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Today You Were Sad

today you were sad
weeping on the inside
distant and away from yourself
out of it
and my heart tore in two.

youre my strength and my calm
you make things okay
and i was so sad because
i could not make things okay for you

i wanted to hold you
and selfishly
i wanted you to reassure me
to tell me you were going to be fine
that you were going to make it
that you were going to be back to your old self again

i worry about you

i shouldn't rely on you so much
i should be stronger
but i am trying as hard as i can
to hold things together

you are often my glue

please be okay huney
relax and sleep
and treat yourself like the angel you are

fix you first
kiss your emotional owies
lemme know if i can help

i want you to be okay
because i can't possibly be okay
until you are alright

and when you are better
hold me tight
and dont let me go
dont leave and dont abandon me
and let me know that you are still gonna be there
that you are okay

i worry excessively but its because i care
you've scared me today
because i thought about how it would be
if i lost you
and i hate that feeling more than anything

please be okay, huney
and come back soon
to hold me tight
like you always said you would...
