cause somehow i just dont think it will be alright...
cause the pain is long and hard and heavy upon me
but i've gotta get through this
i've gotta work toward being well
hope will come
i'm trying to be positive
cause thats what my doc would like to see
and i always try so very hard
to do everything and be everything
that everyone wants me to
but i've got to make it
not just for them
not for them at all
i've got to make it for me
if i can't...
my life is sucking majorly
but i've gotta change it and fix it
and kiss the owies and make them better
i don't know if i can and i dont know how
but i've got to try
but this dark space i'm in
it isn't helping
it's pulling me back and pushing me down
telling me to know my place
and stay there
for once, can't i please just be well for a while
and not flip flop back and forth
between ill and well
and come so dangerously close
to the edge of insanity???
for once,
can't i just make it there to the place
where i can deal with the hurt?
just once, can't i be well enough to see
how to help me get well??