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24 Hours
by DSara

Ok, I tried to let that scene rest...I just couldn’t. It was missing something. This is what happened after TK3...

Scene: Lucky’s place after Tom is arrested, scene played out just like we saw it, they argued over who would sleep on the floor and kissed with the blue blanket between them.

As Lucky slowly ends his third kiss with Elizabeth, he is mesmerized. In his wildest imagination he never believed kissing a girl could move him so much. Kissing Elizabeth again is definitely all he wants in life. He decides he has to make her laugh, she can’t have time to think about the rape and the past few days events.

“Madam Webber---for your birthday, I offer you my humble service. Anything you desire, M’ lady.”

With that, Lucky bows. Elizabeth laughs.


“M’ lady, but I am serious. For the next 24 hours all you need do is name it---and it shall be yours, within my power of course.”

He bows again, this time dropping to one knee for emphasis. Liz laughs and Lucky smiles knowing that he is taking her mind off of her troubles.

“I want the bed”

“And so it is.”

“I want you to talk like Lucky.”

“Ok, Elizabeth,” he says with a straight face.

“I want you to change into sweats and a t-shirt like you normally sleep in.”

“Then I’ll be right back,” he says with his trademark Lucky grin.

He retreats to the bathroom, and Liz sits on the bed trying to get the nerve to ask Lucky for that which she wants most.

Lucky returns. “Do I fit your standards?” he asks, looking for his blanket on the ground to see where his bed is going to be.

“Lucky---do I really get anything I want?”

“If it’s at all possible for me to do,” he smiles at her.

“Then I only have three more requests for my birthday. Come sit by me and I’ll tell you.”

“On my way.” He smiles and takes the two steps to meet her at the bed.

“OK. Request number one. Lucky...I want you to...hold me all night like you did at the boxcar.”

“Are you sure?” he said, not wanting his own desires to influence her.


“Then move over.”

Liz slides over. Lucky shuts the main light off and turns on one near the bed. He crawls into bed with his angel, loving his life. He tenderly puts his arm around her shoulders and lets her cuddle to him at her pace.

“Ok. Number two.” She swallows hard. “I want...more than one kiss for my birthday.” She can’t believe she just said that. She could feel her face grow red by the second word. Lucky almost falls off the bed.

“How many kisses would you like?” he asks silently, wishing for more than he thinks she’ll say.

“Make me lose count,” Liz says with more confidence than she feels.

“Your wish is my fantasy. I can’t believe I just told you that.”

“Is it true?”

“Do you want me to embarrass myself again?”

“It’s my birthday…” She tries to persuade him with puppy dog eyes.

“Ok, yes, Elizabeth. Kissing you has become a favorite daydream of mine. Now if you don’t mind, I’d like to lose myself in your kiss.”

“I don’ t mind at all.”

With that, Lucky pulls her just a little closer and barely touches his lips to hers. He opens his eyes when he hears a little sigh from Elizabeth. He sees a big smile on her lips. He kisses her tenderly again and then she stops him.


“What? Are you scared?”

“No---I could never be scared of you. I have one more wish!”

“Ok…I’m really enjoying the way you’re mind works.”

“Number three. Can you guess what I really want for my 16th birthday?”

“I don’t know, sweetie, but I’ll give you whatever it is you want.”

“I want a boyfriend.”

Lucky smiles, “Do you have anyone in mind?”

Liz smiles and kisses him---with just a light touch to his lips.

“I’m yours!”

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