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After the Dance
by Jnlemom, Tamekia, and Dentonj
(with help from Gator618 and Galor) (edited by Kris95)

(We started with Nik and Em having to leave for some reason—we didn’t really care why, we were just anxious for L&L to be alone.)

As Lucky continued to stare at Liz, barely noticing that Nikolas and Emily had left minutes earlier, Liz suddenly realized that she was standing there still in the “borrowed” dress. “Lucky, I have to get out of this dress!”

“OK,” Lucky replied, not realizing what Liz meant. “I don’t think I can get all these pins out by myself,” she answered, unsure of what to do. As Liz stood there looking embarrassed, Lucky realized what she meant. Liz turned her back to him and began to try and reach the zipper. Her efforts were in vain. Lucky slowly walked up behind her, hands trembling.
“Here, let me help you. If that’s ok?” His voice was full of questions and doubt, but Liz reassured him with a smile and a quick nod of her head. As Lucky reached for the zipper, Liz closed her eyes. She could feel his warm breath on her neck.

They had been closer than this before, but never like this—never with Liz’s bare skin inches away from his fingers. Lucky found the zipper and gave it a slight tug. It wouldn’t budge. Liz opened her eyes and whispered, “I think Emily put some pins down inside the dress to hold the zipper in place.” Lucky nodded and swallowed as he searched for the pins. His fingers brushed against her soft skin, and he marveled at how smooth it was. As he removed each pin, his breathing became heavier. Liz was amazed at how she felt. Despite the intensity of the moment, she was not afraid. Lucky’s fingers on her back felt right. “He is so gentle,” she thought to herself.

As he removed the last pin, the zipper started to inch its way down revealing Liz’s bare back. Lucky pulled it the rest of the way down, and as he did, one of the dress’s straps slipped off Liz’s shoulder. He inhaled sharply and waited for Liz to react. Her stillness reassured him. As he reached for the wayward strap, a bright flash of lightning accompanied by a sharp clap of thunder jolted the room. The lights went out and Liz let out a cry of fear as she turned and grabbed hold of Lucky.

As they adjusted to the darkness, they both realized how close they were. Lucky’s body was the only thing holding up Liz’s dress. He looked into her eyes trying to read them, but all he saw was her total trust in him. He slowly slipped the strap back over her shoulder as she shivered at his touch.

“There,” he said softly as his arms encircled her and held the back of the dress together. As Liz stepped back, Lucky cleared his throat and said, “I’ll leave you to get dressed.” “Wait! Please don’t go. Could you just turn around for a sec?” Liz pleaded, not wanting to be alone in the dark. “Sure,” Lucky replied, not sure of himself as he turned to face the wall. As he did, he heard the sound of her dress falling to the floor. He closed his eyes but then quickly opened them again. Without thinking he glanced at Liz in the mirror. The sight of her beautiful face and bare shoulders mesmerized him as she slipped her shirt over her head. Her eyes met his and his face began to burn. She gave him a soft smile as she turned to him. “Well, it’s just me now. No more Cinderella.” Lucky looked into her eyes as she came towards him and said, “Just you?” He shook his head in bewilderment. “That’s all I want. You. My Cinderella…my Elizabeth.”

Liz saw the tenderness in his blue eyes. As her eyes traveled down to his lips, she whispered, “I will always be yours, Lucky.” Their lips slowly met, and the intensity of the evening proved itself as they melted into each other.

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