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[Carnival] [The Walk Home] [The Night in the Boxcar][Chocolate Chip Cookies] [

by Quinn

As Elizabeth and Lucky reached the edge of the fair grounds they could smell the food and hear the infectious laughter over the blaring music. Lucky dropped her hand and turned to look at her. The sunlight made her hair shimmer and he watched as the breeze moved it and brushed it gently along her cheek. “So what do you want to do first?” he asked.

“Mmmm, I smell cotton candy,” Elizabeth said, with a wide smile. Her smile could light up a room, Lucky thought. “No carnival is complete without it,” he said instead. “Let’s see if we can find it.” Lucky looked around. Liz sniffed the air. “I say...that way,” Liz said, pointing. “Yeah?” Lucky asked, taking a few steps backward in that direction. “You sure about that?” “This nose never lies!” Elizabeth said with a laugh. “In that case, last one there---buys!” Lucky called as he started running. “Cheater!” Elizabeth shouted and took off after him.

Lucky and Elizabeth strolled down the Midway sharing a bag of cotton candy. “I told you this nose was good,” Elizabeth said, teasingly. “You ran right past it!” “I don’t look at it as losing. See, the way I see it, I WON the opportunity to buy you something,” Lucky said, as he popped another piece in his mouth. “You are so full of it!” Elizabeth exclaimed, laughing.

Their eyes caught and Elizabeth fell silent. The intensity behind Lucky’s eyes had always fascinated her. They were like liquid pools of blue, and at times she really felt she could see through them, into his soul. Other times, like this one, he was a complete mystery.

“So are you even gonna give me a hint about this mysterious appointment of yours?” she asked. Lucky said nothing. “I don’t mean to push, it’s just that...” Elizabeth stopped, getting lost in Lucky’s eyes. “...Well, I didn’t think we had any secrets from each other.” Lucky still said nothing. “Listen to me!” Elizabeth exclaimed. “You have a right to your own life. It’s none of my business. I’ll shut-up now.” “No! No, Elizabeth, it was nothing. Really. It didn’t even happen.” Elizabeth looked at him with her big blue eyes and he felt guilty for what he almost did, for what he almost took away from her.

“I thought I needed help with something, turns out I didn’t. Besides I’d much rather be here…with you.” Lucky said. Elizabeth’s heart skipped a beat. Lucky saw the flicker of fear in her eyes. As quickly as it was there, it was gone, but it made him step back. “Hey! The scrambler! We HAVE to go on that!” Lucky said, breaking the tension. “We do?” Liz asked, raising an eyebrow. “Can you handle it?” Lucky teased. “I can handle anything” Elizabeth replied, defiantly. “Lead the way!”

Lucky and Elizabeth ran from one ride to the next. Laughing and joking and occasionally sharing a serious moment. Elizabeth dragged Lucky on the Merry-go-round and Lucky won her a small stuffed dog at Wac-a-Mole. They stuffed their faces with popcorn, hot dogs, and candy apples. When the sun finally set, there was only one ride they hadn’t been on. The giant Ferris wheel.

“I love this ride,” Elizabeth said, staring up at it from their place in line. The bright carnival lights cast strange shadows across her face and made her lips look an even deeper red. Elizabeth could feel his eyes on her, but said nothing. “I’m glad we saved this one for last. I love the way the city looks at night,” Lucky said, finally. Elizabeth nodded, still looking up. “There’s something sort of romantic about it,” she replied softly. She glanced over at Lucky, caught his eye and then looked back towards the sky. The breeze had grown colder and she shivered and hugged her stuffed dog closer to her chest. They stood in silence until it was their turn to board the ride. The bar was locked and the wheel jerked forward.

“I decided what I was going to name him,” Elizabeth said, breaking the silence. “What?” Lucky asked. “Hero. Because it was given to me by mine,” Elizabeth said, looking away. “I’m not a hero, Elizabeth.” “You are to me, and that’s all that counts.” They lapsed again into silence and a new song started to play as the Ferris wheel carried them around. Just as their car reached the very top on their third trip, the Ferris wheel stopped. They looked at each other. “Everything’s so pretty up here,” Elizabeth said wistfully. “Mmm hmm,” Lucky agreed, although he was still looking at her. Elizabeth shivered again. “Are you cold?” Lucky asked, concerned. “Mmm hmm,” she replied, wrapping her arms around herself. Lucky took a deep breath and cautiously put his arm around her. “Does that help?” he asked softly. She leaned into him and lay her head on his shoulder. “More than you know,” she whispered. And they sat in the darkness, looking over the city below them, listening to the music play.

Here in the night, I see the sun,
Here in the dark, our two hearts are one.
It’s out of our hands, we can’t stop what we have begun
And love just took me by suprise,
Looking through your eyes.

[TOP] [MIAs]

The Walk Home
(after TK)
by Quinn

They walked hand in hand in silence. When they reached Elizabeth’s house Lucky walked her up the porch steps. She turned to face him. He didn’t let go of her hand.

“Lucky I...” Elizabeth started to say, but stopped when she realized she just couldn’t find the words. He smiled at her. She put her hand on his shoulder and moved closer to him. They looked into each other’s eyes. He touched her hair, letting his hand run down her back. He put his other hand on her waist as her other arm slid around his. They pressed their lips together, mouths parted ever so slightly. Lucky took his hand from her waist and ran it through her hair. They drew apart. Elizabeth looked up at him and he returned her gaze.

“Goodnight Elizabeth” was all he said.
“Goodnight Lucky” she replied softly.

They stood there looking at each other another minute, then Lucky turned to leave. Elizabeth watched him walk away.

[TOP] [MIAs]

The Night in the Boxcar
 by Quinn

As the scene opens, we see Elizabeth lying in bed. Her eyes are wide open and she seems scared. She jumps out of bed suddenly and goes to her closet. She rummages through it for some clothes.

Cut to Lucky in his boxcar. He’s standing by the open door looking out into the night. He’s holding the flower he gave Elizabeth, twirling it between his fingers.

Cut back to Elizabeth as she slides her bedroom window open, careful not to make any noise. She crawls out and shuts the window behind her. She climbs off her roof and starts running. She doesn’t stop until she sees the boxcar. When Lucky sees her, he drops the flower.

Lucky: (concerned) “Elizabeth! What are you doing here? I don’t like the idea of you walking alone at night.”
Elizabeth: “I didn’t exactly walk.” (pause) “Could I stay here tonight Lucky? Please?” (Her bottom lip begins to quiver.)
Lucky: (concerned) “Yeah, sure. Of course. Are you ok?” Elizabeth shakes her head, trying to fight the tears she knows are coming.
Elizabeth: “I was in my room trying to sleep....” (Tears start to fall.) “I couldn’t breathe Lucky. I had to come here. I…I sleep better when I know you’re there.”
Lucky: “You can come here anytime you need to Elizabeth…anytime. You know that. Does your grandmother know you’re here?”
Elizabeth: “No, I snuck out.” (wiping the tears from her face) Lucky looks at her now. (We can tell he wants to reach out to her, but he is holding back.)
Lucky: (trying to lighten the mood) “So, do you want the bed or should I take it?”
Elizabeth giggles although her eyes are still glistening with unshed tears.
Elizabeth: “Well, it’s your house.”
Lucky: “Yeah, but if you hadn’t painted me a bed, I wouldn’t even have one…so I think you should take it.” Elizabeth laughs at this.
Elizabeth: “Can I lie in bed and watch TV?”
Lucky: (playfully) “No, I think my TV’s busted. All I get is a blank screen. (pause) I do have a radio…I think.” Lucky searches his walls for a radio. (finding it) “There it is! I knew you painted one.” Lucky walks over to the “radio.”
(pretending to tune the radio) “What do you feel like listening to?”
Elizabeth: (laughing) “Something happy.”
Lucky: “How’s this?” Elizabeth tilts her head to one side pretending to listen.
Elizabeth: “Perfect.” She smiles. Her tears are completely gone. (meaningfully) “Thanks, Lucky.”


The scene opens with Lucky and Elizabeth sitting at the door of the boxcar looking up at the stars.

Elizabeth: “You know, ever since I was...was raped, the darkness has become like a physical thing to me. It surrounds me and crushes me. It chokes me sometimes. I don’t know if you can understand.” (pause) “But whenever I’m with you, the dark is just…the dark, you know? And I can sit here and look at the stars...” (she looks at Lucky with a wide grin) “And listen to the music play...” Her grin fades. “You’ve helped me so much Lucky.” Lucky looks at her with something like admiration in his eyes.
Lucky: (changing the topic suddenly) “Do you hear that?” Liz looks confused.
Elizabeth: “What?”
Lucky: (as if she should already know) “The radio. Stand by Me? Ben E. King? Can you hear it?”
Elizabeth: (unsure) “Sort of.”
Lucky starts to hum the song. Liz recognizes it and joins in.

(As they hum, the real music begins to play faintly in the background. As the camera pulls out, the music gradually grows louder until we are looking down on Liz and Lucky. Ben E. King starts to sing.)

When the night has come
And the land is dark
And the moon is the only light we’ll see
No I won’t be afraid
No I won’t be afraid
Just as long as you stand, stand by me.

(We watch Liz and Lucky laughing and pointing out constellations to each other as the song plays.)


The scene opens. Elizabeth is sleeping. Stand by Me is still playing faintly in the background. Lucky is just sitting there watching her. The camera pulls out and away from the boxcar, but we can still see inside. We can still see him watching over her until the scene fades to black. “Stay tuned for scenes from the next General Hospital” jolts us back to reality.

[TOP] [MIAs]

Chocolate Chip Cookies
by Quinn

Elizabeth and Lucky entered the house. Elizabeth sighed heavily as she began to fold up the blue blanket. Lucky grabbed one end.
“Let me help,” he said. He took his end and met Elizabeth’s hands with his. They locked fingers, the blanket forgotten.
“Could I ever stop you?” Elizabeth asked, smiling.
“Would you want to?” Lucky asked, looking deep into her eyes. Elizabeth slowly shook her head as Lucky edged even closer to her. Elizabeth looked over his shoulder, nervously.
“Gram...” she started.
“Is in the kitchen,” Lucky finished, leaning in.
“Will throw you out on your butt and lock me in my room ‘til I’m 42,” Elizabeth said, watching Lucky’s lips intently.
“A risk I’m willing to take,” Lucky whispered.

“Oh good!” Gram said cheerfully, entering the living room. Startled, Lucky and Elizabeth quickly folded up the blanket in a very business-like manner. “You two could have caught a terrible cold sitting outside like that. The tape’s already in the VCR, and I brought out a glass for you Elizabeth, just in case you decide to join us,” Gram continued, oblivious.
“Thanks, Gram,” Elizabeth said, rolling her eyes at Lucky. Elizabeth followed Audrey over to the couch, but couldn’t sit down because her grandmother was setting out the cookies and milk on the coffee table. She felt Lucky come up behind her and lightly place his hand on her back. She held her breath without realizing she was doing it. Lucky began to run his finger slowly up her spine. Elizabeth shivered involuntarily. She threw Lucky a look that told him to quit it, but there was happiness in her eyes he hadn’t seen in a long time.

“I’ve heard so much about this movie. I think you’ll really enjoy it, Elizabeth,” Gram said, taking a seat. Elizabeth looked at Lucky in amazement. Lucky just shook his head and smiled. Audrey had sat right in the middle of the couch! “I can hardly wait,” Elizabeth replied, sarcastically. She threw herself down beside her grandmother. Lucky shrugged and made his way to the other side of the couch. Audrey started the movie and for a while things were quiet. Lucky and Elizabeth had been stealing glances at one another the whole time, so it was no surprise that Elizabeth saw Lucky reach for a cookie.

“Are you gonna share that with me iron gut?” she asked, making a grab for his cookie.
“Hey! What are you doing? Get your own!” Lucky exclaimed, pulling the cookie out of Elizabeth’s reach.
“But I don’t want a whole one. Come on Lucky. Share, please?” she said with a pout. “No way,” he replied, smugly. Elizabeth read the challenge in his eyes. She lunged at his hand, nearly taking Audrey out in the process.
“Get your own!” Lucky laughed as he held the cookie higher in the air.
“ELIZABETH!” Gram shouted, angrily.

They both froze. Elizabeth was sprawled across her grandmother with her fingers wrapped tightly around Lucky’s forearm, the cookie just barely out of her reach. They shared a look that said, “busted!” Elizabeth pulled herself up, reluctantly letting Lucky go.
“Honestly, Elizabeth!” Gram exclaimed. “You know, Lucky, she has always been this way. Ever since she was a little girl. She always wanted whatever Sarah had,” she added in a scolding tone.
“GRAM!” Elizabeth exclaimed, dismayed and embarrassed.
“I’m glad Elizabeth is so persistent, Mrs. Hardy,” Lucky replied. “Sometimes it pays off,” he added, breaking his cookie in half.
“Thanks, Lucky,” Elizabeth said gratefully, accepting the half he offered her. He winked at her. She smiled. “Sometimes it does pay off,” she thought to herself. “Sometimes it pays off in a really big way.” They stared at one another intently. Audrey watched this exchange curiously.
“We’re missing the movie,” she pointed out at last.

Elizabeth sat back down and chewed thoughtfully on her cookie. Lucky leaned forward so he could still see her clearly. He loved to watch her. He loved the way she moved.
“Hey, Elizabeth,” he said with a lopsided grin.
“Mm hmm,” she replied without looking over. He stared at her silently until she returned his gaze.
“That sweater…looks pretty,” he said intently. Elizabeth nearly turned as red as the sweater. “Thanks,” she managed to choke out. The true meaning behind his words echoing in her head. Audrey looked from Lucky to Elizabeth and back again.

“Am I in your way, Lucky?” she asked, sternly. Lucky’s devilish smile disappeared.
“No. Not at all,” he replied quickly.
“If I didn’t know better, I’d say something was going on here. Something that perhaps you don’t want me to know about. Am I right?”
“Gram, I thought we’d already had this discussion,” Elizabeth jumped in. “I told you the truth. Or don’t you believe me?”
Audrey pursed her lips, looking at Elizabeth, then Lucky. “Of course I believe you dear” Gram replied, uneasily. She hesitated a moment, before turning her attention back to the screen.

Elizabeth snuck another glance at Lucky. The movie was almost over and he had been behaving himself ever since Gram’s suspicions had been aroused. Elizabeth wondered if he was as bored as she was. She had tried to pay attention to the movie, but it might as well of been in Spanish for all she knew. She couldn’t keep her mind off Lucky. She snuck another look at him and this time he was looking back.
“She’s so beautiful,” he thought. She was smiling at him, which made him smile in return. “She has the best smile I’ve ever seen,” he thought. “I really do love her mouth.”

At that moment the movie ended. Elizabeth leapt up. “Well, I’m exhausted. I’m off to bed!” she sang, almost running from the room.
“Um, I’m going to…we have school tomorrow,” Lucky said to Audrey, uncomfortably.
“Yes, of course, Lucky. Go ahead,” Audrey answered.
Audrey watched Lucky go up the steps, her lips drawn tight with worry.

Lucky lay in bed with the lights on. He was staring at the ceiling thinking about how much his life had changed in such a short time, when the door creaked open and Elizabeth slipped in. She shut the door gently behind her, leaning against it. “I thought she’d never go to sleep,” Elizabeth whispered. “It felt like Fort Knox out there. I think she even watched me brush my teeth!”
“Are you crazy?” Lucky whispered hoarsely, jumping out of bed. “If your grandmother catches you in here...”
“She won’t,” Elizabeth replied, cutting him off with a sly smile.
“What are you doing here, Elizabeth?” Lucky questioned softly, approaching her.
“I came to collect,” she whispered, looking up at him shyly.
“Do I owe you something?” he whispered, edging closer. Elizabeth said nothing. She just looked up at him, her gaze unwavering. Lucky put one hand on the door beside her head and leaned in to kiss her. Elizabeth held his gaze until the last possible moment and then let her eyelids drop slowly. Lucky ran his free hand across her cheek. Their lips parted. Lucky touched his lips to hers, the sensation igniting every nerve in his body, heightening every sense and making his heart pound in his ears. The door shook beneath Elizabeth’s back, breaking the spell. If the two of them hadn’t been leaning against the door, it would have opened.

“Elizabeth?” Gram’s voice was shrill. Elizabeth’s eyes widened. She opened her mouth to say something, but Lucky put a finger to her lips. Gram knocked loudly on the door, jiggling the door handle. “Open this door” she demanded angrily. Lucky motioned to the window. Elizabeth looked at him like he was crazy. She pointed to her bare feet.
“Lucky? Elizabeth? Open this door!” Gram demanded again.
“Would you rather face your grandmother,” Lucky asked Elizabeth with his eyes. She gave him a pained look, but went to the window and crawled out.

Lucky held the door shut until she was out of sight and then swung it open, Kramer style. Audrey stumbled into the room. She quickly scanned the room for her granddaughter.
“Where is Elizabeth?” she asked crossly, pulling her robe tighter.
“She’s not in her room?” Lucky asked innocently.
“Why was this door blocked?” Audrey asked, ignoring him.
“I put a chair in the door so no one would walk in on me while I was getting changed. That’s why I didn’t answer the door right away,” Lucky replied pointedly. Audrey turned white as a sheet.
“Lucky, the fact that you couldn’t answer the door because you were putting your clothes back on is NOT very comforting,” Audrey said in a strained voice. “ELIZABETH!” she almost shrieked. “Mrs. Hardy? I’m not sure what you think was going on here, but I promise you Elizabeth isn’t in here.” Audrey looked at Lucky a moment, then walked over and pulled the closet door open. No Elizabeth. She walked over to the bed, knelt down and looked underneath.

“What’s she doing?” Elizabeth inquired from the doorway. She carried a tray of milk and cookies in her hand.
“Elizabeth!” Gram exclaimed, looking up.
“Looking for you,” Lucky answered.
“Under the bed?” Elizabeth said, incredulously.
“It appears I may have overreacted” Gram said, standing up and straightening her clothes.
“Maybe we should eat that in the living room,” Lucky said to Elizabeth, indicating the tray she carried. “If Elizabeth is going to be in this room with you, please leave the door open,” Gram said, clearly embarrassed. “I apologize, Lucky,” she added.

“You don’t need to apologize for being concerned about Elizabeth, Mrs. Hardy,” Lucky replied. Audrey pursed her lips, nodded, then left the room without another word. Elizabeth watched until Gram had shut her bedroom door, then started giggling.

“Shhh,” Lucky warned, but broke into a smile himself.
“You’re amazing,” he said with admiration.
“You’re not so bad yourself” Liz replied. “Ooh! My feet are FREEZING!” she added. She walked over to the bed and put down her tray. She then climbed in, sitting cross-legged and trying to bury her feet in the covers. Lucky sat down on the edge of the bed.
“You know what she thought?” he asked.
“I can guess,” she replied. “But I’ve told her we’re not like that.”
“What are we like?” Lucky inquired, softly. Elizabeth didn’t say anything for a moment. They both looked at each other, searching for the answer in the other’s eyes. “We’re like Elizabeth and Lucky,” she said at last. Lucky picked up two chocolate chip cookies, handing one to her.
“To us then?” he asked.
“To us,” she stated with a smile. They “clinked” their chocolate chip cookies together and laughed.

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