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Rockybeach’s Montage

Play U2’s “I Still Haven’t Found What I am Looking For”

(You hear the beginning notes and lyrics…)

I have climbed the highest mountains
I have run through the fields
Only to be with you
Only to be with you

Lucky stepped into the pouring cold rain. His blue eyes were red from his lack of sleep and nights of crying. Lucky, wearing just a gray long-sleeved t-shirt, blue jeans, and brown boots, started to run. Running to find his angel. He ran faster and faster, not even thinking about where he is going. He ran to Kelly’s, hoping to find her. He stopped at the door and leaned his head against it, only to find the place closed. He stared into the dimly lit room...imagining his angel was there, waiting for him with her bright smile.

I have run I have crawled
I have scaled these city walls
Only to be with you
But I still haven’t found
What I’m looking for
But I still haven’t found
What I’m looking for

...fade to Liz, sitting in her living room...drawing a sketch of her and Lucky at the No-Name. She was thinking of the many hours that she had spent looking for Lucky...scouring the city. Suddenly, she received an odd feeling she could not shake. She threw her sketchpad down...and ran out of the house into the pouring rain, determined not to give up.

I have kissed honey lips
Felt the healing in her fingertips
It burned like fire
This burning desire

...fade to Lucky…running, out of breath. Looking for her. Lucky reached the boxcar...all chained up...rain coming down harder onto his face. He stood there...reliving the moments in their beloved boxcar...them painting the boxcar, writing songs for her...kissing her lips...falling in love with her. Wishing he could touch her right then.

I have spoke with the tongue of angels
I have held the hand of a devil
It was warm in the night
I was cold as a stone

...fade to Liz. She arrived at the park...looking at the cold, stone bench. Remembering that night...and the person who saved her. Him helping her up...waiting with her for her test results...holding her...loving her.

But I still haven’t found
What I’m looking for
But I still haven’t found
What I’m looking for

...fade to both of them running...

I believe in the Kingdom come
Then all the colors will bleed into one
But yes I’m still running

…fade to Lucky at Liz’s bedroom window. The window is closed...the room dark. He looked in...remembering how he watching her as she listened to “Elizabeth” for the first time...her taking care of him when he was stabbed...watching his angel as she slept. He reached out and touched the window...wishing he was touching her instead.

You broke the bonds
You loosed the chains
You carried the cross
And my shame
And my shame
You know I believe it

...Elizabeth, dripping wet, frantically unlocked the door to his apartment, hoping he was there. All she saw was a cold room...empty...with just his guitar leaning against the wall in the corner of the room. She walked over to it...fingered the strings and the decals...remembering how strong he was...knowing she could not have gotten through the rape without him...the tears streamed down her face faster and faster...

But I still haven’t found
What I’m looking for
But I still haven’t found
What I’m looking for

...fade to the docks. The sky was dark...the mist hanging over the water and the docks. The rain was pouring down. Lucky was at one end...soaking wet...his t-shirt clinging to him. Liz was at the other dripping wet. Neither realized they have found each other. They both glanced up and saw each other at the opposite ends of the docks. They both stood there, in shock. Then, instantaneously, we see a slow motion shot of them running towards each other...Lucky yelling “Elizabeth”...Liz yelling “Lucky”...both realized it was tears running down their faces, not raindrops. They reached other, and Lucky engulfed her in a hug and swung her around, never letting go, holding her as tight as he could. He cradled her head, stroking her wet hair, as she held his face in her hands. They touched their heads together...and looked into each other’s eyes...and whispered, “I love you.” They then slowly reached towards each other’s lips...and kissed softly...then with more passion…each realized that they never wanted to have to find each other again.

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