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An Old Fashioned Date
by Royh

Well, since Guza won’t give us a typical teenage date with these two and it seems we all want just a little bit more than the sweet chaste kisses we’ve been getting (as great as they are), I let my imagination go again. Nothing much new, but I kind of thought the situation was cute. Also my apologies if I stole anything from anyone—there have been some great fan fics on this subject. So bear with me....

It’s Friday afternoon, Liz is finishing her shift at Kelly’s and Lucky comes in after working at the motorcycle shop. She’s cleaning up behind the bar, he comes in and leans on the bar, and gives her a quick peck hello.

L: “Hey gorgeous, what are you doing tonight?” Lucky’s eyes are playful and flirtatious. Liz’s light up at the sight of him.

E: “Well...Gram has to work late tonight, so we could have my house to ourselves. How about renting a movie?”

L: “Could I sit on the couch and kiss you during it?” His eyes continue to sparkle at her.

E: (grinning evilly back) “Depends on how bad the movie is.”

L: “I can take care of that.”

E: “So you’ll pick up a movie and meet me at my house in 30?”

L: “I’ll be there.” He turns and leaves. Liz takes off her apron, tells Tammy goodnight and heads for home.

As she walks home she starts to worry about the evening. It sure sounded like Lucky was ready for a little more in the romance area. She thought she was too, but fear was started to grip her. What if she suddenly froze in the middle of things? Or bolted like she did at the sight of the Valentine’s Dance flyer? Besides, she hadn’t very much experience in this area. What if she did or said something wrong? She went upstairs to change quickly before Lucky arrived. She chose her clothes carefully. She wanted to look good for him, but not too eager. She finally settled on a sweater set and black slacks (the tickle fight pants).

Meanwhile, Lucky was at the video store having second thoughts as well. What if he had scared her? What if she wasn’t ready for an evening of kissing on the couch? He was so afraid of pushing too hard. And also afraid of letting his inexperience show. So he selected “Godzilla Meets the Swamp Monster” as his first choice, but got an action movie and a ‘chick flick’ as back-ups just in case.

When Lucky arrived, they were both nervous. He came in, she took his coat, he nervously looked around.

E: “So what did you get?” Lucky shows her the Godzilla movie.

E: “Oh! Its my favorite!! What a great movie! In fact, I love it so much, I’m going to sit over here in Gram’s chair, so nothing can disturb me while I watch it!” she grins mischievously at Lucky. He flops down on the couch acting dejected.

L: “OK, but I guess you won’t be wanting your present then.” He held up a tiny box, shook his head and started to stuff it back in his pocket.

E: “A present!! Oh, let me have it! I love presents!” She hurries over to the couch.

L: “Oh no. You want to watch your movie. I would never interupt that. I’ll just return it tomorrow. No big deal.”

E: “Come on, Lucky! Please?!”

L: “If you’re sure you want to take the time from your movie...”

E: “Yes, yes!” She excitedly opens the box. It is a charm in the shape of a cross. “Oh, Lucky, it’s beautiful.”

L: “It’s for your bracelet. It symbolizes our Valentine’s Day.” Elizabeth reaches over and kisses Lucky.

E: “Thank you.”

L: “Guess you want to watch your movie now.”

E: “Can I sit over here with you after all?”

L: “I don’t know, I’m pretty hurt...” Liz slides in next to him on the couch and snuggles up to him. Suddenly Lucky jumps up, nearly knocking Liz over. “Popcorn! That’s what we need! Every great movie needs popcorn!” He looks at Liz playfully.

E: “I’m not really very hungry.” Lucky sits back down beside her.

L: “ about some... chocolate?” His eyes are glowing as he nearly whispers the words. Liz snuggles in close to him again.

E: “Now that I’m hungry for.” She looks deep into Lucky’s eyes as he leans towards her. As their lips meet, she lets her mouth come open just a little bit. This takes Lucky by surprise, and he carefully, gently let his tongue explore. Liz was surprised at just how wonderful that felt, and they both got lost in the moment. Lucky pulled back when he thought he felt Liz’s body tense.

L: “You OK?”

He looked at her gently, wanting only for her to be comfortable with him, so he could kiss her again and again; but so afraid he was rushing her. Elizabeth’s eyes smiled reassurance. She slipped her hand behind his neck and gently, sweetly pulled him back to her. This time it was her turn to let her tongue explore. Lucky was almost paralyzed. He had never felt these sensations before. He let the feelings just sweep over him. Liz could feel his heart pounding. After awhile they pulled away, and just sat looking at each other, lost in the feelings, the overwhelming feelings. Lucky slowly laid back with his head on the arm of the couch. Without a word Liz slid in beside him (they’re skinny—they’ll fit). They were both amazed at how their bodies fit together perfectly, how wonderful it felt to be that close. Lucky brushed Liz’s hair out of her face. He touched her eyes, her face, he wanted to memorize exactly how she felt. Then he leaned and kissed the places he had touched. Her eyes, her cheeks, her neck. Liz let her hands explore Lucky’s chest, his face, his hair. They were totally lost in the moment, in each other. The movie ended without either of them noticing. The rest of the world was somewhere else, far, far away.

Then suddenly Liz bolted upright when she heard the back door open. Gram was home! Liz’s quick movement sent Lucky with a thud to the floor. He turned and looked up at her in shock.

L: “Thank you.” At that moment they both broke into uncontrollable laughter. Audry walks into the room, looking exhausted and curious about their giggling.

“Hello you two. What’s so funny?” Lucky and Liz tried to gain their composure, but looked at each other and dissolved into laughter once again.

A: “Well, I’m exhausted. I’m going up to bed. You should be going home soon, Lucky.”

L: “Yes, Mrs. Hardy. Good night.”

E: “Good night, Gram.” Audry goes upstairs.

L: “Thanks a lot, Grace.” He reaches over and tickles Liz.

E: “Sorry about that. I never said I was graceful.”

L: “Well, I guess I’d better get going. You working tomorrow?”

E: “Yeah, the breakfast shift.”

L: “Breakfast at Kelly’s it is then. Want to go get your charm put on your bracelet after that?”

E: “Sounds great.” She gets Lucky’s coat and they walk to the door. He kisses her goodnight.

L: “I Love You.” He leaves and we get a great scene of both of them pausing on either side of the closed door.

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