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This is my husbands family, nice looking group huh!

Well, by now i still was getting over losing Pearl in April, Rose in September. Shortly after that my Mom had to have three stints put in her heart, I was so scared. Brians family were so supportive through this. But I am glad to say, and I praise God that Mom is in the pink, doing well and feels like a 40 year old...

So we think everything is going to be okay, until December, we find out Brians Mom, his rock, had colon cancer. So far advanced that it already metastisized into the liver.

I was with her all through the last night. I still remember her waking up and the nurses asking her if she knew me, she had a sparkle in her eye, a smile on her face and said, "Yes, that is Linda". It still brings a smile to my face.

Many people complain about their Mother in laws, but i tell you, i loved her so much. So we lost Mom... June 26, 1996.

