Booking Skin Care Classes |
Consistently holding skin care classes means you are
consistently meeting new people and offering them a complimentary facial.
And, as you know, the product practically sells itself. Holding classes
instead of facials gives you access to more people in a shorter period
of time, so you can build your customer base much faster.
One of your first questions as a Consultant building your
customer base is probably: |
Where do I meet the people to hold skin care classes?
And the answer is:
At your first skin care classes! |
During the class you have probably extended at least
one open invitation for the guests to hold classes of their own.
You have also referred to the guests' second facials several times.
The second facial can easily be turned into a skin care class if you will
use the following suggested dialogue with each guest at her individual
close: |
"At every class I always select a couple of people
I would like most to have for my future hostesses, and today I have selected
you! Tell me, when we get together for your second facial, is there
any reason why you couldn't share your checkup facial with a few friends?"
These words have been worked out to get a favourable
response. We suggest you do not change them. You'll want to
practise in front of a mirror and memorize them. When you can convince
yourself in the mirror, you can convince anyone! |
Facials/Double Facials |
Sometimes a customer may not be interested in holding
a skin care class but would prefer a facial. Always try to interest
her in having a double facial by inviting a friend to join her. The
more people you see, the faster your business will grow.
We suggest that you always ask for referrals from your
facial customers. This is very important to help you build your customer
base. You might try the following dialogue: |
"Since you enjoyed your facial so much, do you have
a couple of friends who would also enjoy experiencing a Mary Kay facial?
I would love to meet them and introduce them to Mary Kay products."
You'll want to coach your customer on the benefits of
sharing her checkup facial with several friends. Always try to obtain
a booking or at least one referral. That way, facials can be an additional
and profitable avenue of income. |
Booking Tools |
Don't forget to use the booking tools at your disposal
to interest women in holding skin care classes for you. Offer your
hostesses their choice of one of the wonderful hostess gifts Mary Kay offers,
available on the Consultant order sheet. |
Start With People You Know |
In addition to booking guests at your skin care classes,
you probably already know many people who would be interested in having
a complimentary Mary Kay facial. Make a "People I Know" list and
write names under various categories such as - my family; ...through my children; work; social friends; professionals; ...who sell to me.
If you write the names in pencil, you will be able to
update the list as you meet new people. |
Coaching Is Important |
Once you have booked a skin care class, coaching the
hostess is the next step. If you keep your hostess excited, enthusiastic
and motivated, it will spread to her guests. And the only way your
hostess can get excited and enthused is through you and your coaching methods!
Your hostess is your business partner and should be treated as such - with
respect and attention. If you coach your hostess properly, it can
result in outside sales and bookings from her, plus a possible new recruit!
Her good spirits and involvement will also boost your class sales.
A silent hostess does little to add to your class sales, bookings, or recruiting
efforts. If a hostess is indifferent and silent, it will probably
inhibit everyone else at the class since they are her guests. Review
and follow the coaching techniques in Chapter 4 of your Consultant's
Guide and you will have no trouble holding successful skin care classes. |
Select ten people from your "People I Know" list and
offer each a complimentary facial using the following suggested dialogue:
"Hi ___, this is _____. Guess what? I
am a professional Mary Kay Beauty Consultant and I would love to get your
opinion of our products. Tell me, is there any reason why we couldn't
get together this week for a skin care class? All you have to do
is invite a couple of friends over for a complimentary facial and I'll
do the rest. Which is best for you, the first part of the week or
the last?" |