KREC QuizNet
Gayathri's Quiz - May 1998
Here are the Answers to the Quiz by Gayathri Raghavendra.

1. What was Oscar Wilde's middle name ?


2. Oscar Wilde had an ` an unfortunate fluency in devising apt but acid nicknames'.. He was given a rather bad one, too, owing to his dishevelled appearance .. what was it ?

ANS: The nickname Oscar Wilde was given by his school mates was GREY COW.. on account of his dishevelled appearance.

3. Mr Justice Wills, pronouncing Wilde's sentence after the second trial in 1895, said :

`People who can do these things must be dead to all sense of shame, and one cannot hope to produce any effect upon them. It is the worst case that I have ever tried ... The sentence of the court is that you be imprisoned and kept to hard labor for two years.'

what was the crime he was accused of ?

ANS: Oscar Wilde was accused and convicted for SODOMY.. He was believed to have had `immoral relations' with Sir Alfred Douglas.

4. Who said this of Oscar Wilde -` He was the finest talker of his time - perhaps of all time' ?

ANS: George Bernard Shaw

5. Born in 1906 to Russian-Jewish immigrants in Pittsburgh, he displayed prodigious musical talent from the age of seven. He dropped out of high school at 16 when his father died and his mother took him to New York, hoping he would fulfill her dreams as a classical musician and composer. At 17, he was playing in a band and giving music lessons for a dollar to make ends meet. At age 23, he met the man who would change his life forever - George Gershwin. He became Gershiwn's personal friend and Gershwin's single-most famous soloist, eventually playing at Gershwin's funeral. He is believed to have said -

`There's a thin line between genius and insanity, which I have erased.'

Who is he ?

ANS: Oscar LeVant.

6. This person was nominated as producer, director, actor and screenwriter in a single year (for the Acedemy Awards). The film was so controversial -it wasnt released till after the death of the title character..It was based on the life of a newspaper syndicate.

ANS: Orson Wells.

7. Which was the first movie in colour to win an Oscar ?

ANS: Gone With the Wind - 1939.

For the next two questions, think in terms of award distinctions.

8. What is common to Spencer Tracy, Katherine Hepburn and Tom Hanks ?

ANS: All Won Oscars in two consecutive years.
Spencer Tracy - Captains Courageous and Boys Town in 1937,1938
Hepburn - Guess Who's Coming to Dinner & The Lion in Winter in 1967, 68
Hanks - Philadelphia, Forest Gump.. 1993, 94

9. What is common to Jane Wyman, John Mills and Holly Hunter ?

ANS: ane Wyman, John Mills and Holly Hunter all won Oscars for playing characters that never spoke.
Wyman for Johnny Belinda, Mills for Ryan's Daughter and Hunter for the Piano.

10. Who was the first president of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ?

ANS: Douglas Fairbanks was the first president of AMPAS.

11. Who is credited with the design of the statue we identify with the Academy award ?

ANS: Cedric Gibbons.
The birth of Oscar took place in a Hollywood banquet on May 11, 1927, one week after the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences was organized. At that meeting, Louis B. Mayer, president of MGM, urged that the Acedemy create a special film award. CEDRIC GIBBONS, an art director for Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios, quickly sketched a figure of a knight holding a crusader's sword standing atop a reel of film whose five spokes signified the five original branches of the Academy (Actors, Directors, Producers, Technicians and Writers)

12. During WW II, there was a shortage of the materials used to make the statues that are given as awards.. What substitute material was used for a while ?

ANS: Plaster.

13. Oscar is a nickname for a member of which fish family ?

ANS: Oscars are members of the family called CICHLIDAE.

14. Ocsar and Volupte are world famous fragrances from which famous fashion designer ?


15. What is the claim to fame of a black labrador called Oscar ?

ANS: OSCAR is a black labrador and the world's most well known HYPNO-DOG... Oscar conducts sessions with huge audiences where he hypnotises people by staring at them !!!

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