KREC QuizNet
Vinod's Quiz - May 1998
Here are the Answers to the Quiz by Vinod Viswanath.

1. He was born in a family of lawyers in 1828. His father and grand father were lawyers. He went on to become a lawyer himself. Tried an unsuccessful business as a stockbroker in Paris. Travelled extensively all over western Europe, USA and North Africa. Fought in the Franco-Prussian war. Wrote great many plays, historical dramas, comedies, vaudeville sketches, among his other great works. He refused to give his mentally ill nephew the money he asked for and consequently his nephew fired at him twice and lamed him for life. Fell ill from diabetes and died in 1905. Was buried in Amiens. Who?

ANS: The french playwright - Jules Verne

2. Adventures of Asterix the Gaul. Name the Phoenican merchant who runs his ship on the Meditteranean Sea and notably in Asterix the Gladiator, Asterix and Obelix hitch-hike on this galley to catch up with Cacofonix who has been kidnapped and taken to Rome by the Romans.

ANS: The phoenican merchant - Ekonomikrisis

3. Apart from his amazing plays, he was ready wit and is credited to a lot of quotes. My personal favourites are :

" You see things and say 'Why?';
but I dream things that never were and I say 'Why not?' "

" If history repeats itself, and the unexpected always happens,
how incapable must Man be of learning from experience! "

Name the Playwright.

what was the crime he was accused of ?

ANS: The famous playwright (most quoted one too) - G B Shaw

4. Archies comics. Name Sabrina's cat. Also, relate the name of the cat to witchcraft in USA.

ANS: Sabrina's cat - Salem. Salem, MA was the site of the witches trial.

5. Born in 1840 in Higher Bockhampton. He fell in love with lady Emma Lavinia Gifford and married her. Wrote numerous plays, essays, poems and stories. After her death, his last book of short stories was a piligrimage to the places of his and her early love. After his death in 1928, his ashes were buried in poet's corner in Westminster Abbey and his heart in Emma's grave. Who?

ANS: English playright - Thomas Hardy

6. Another Asterix. Adventures of Asterix the Gaul were originally written in French. Who translated them to English?

ANS: Anthea Bell and Derek Hockridge

7. Born in Calcutta, he studied at the Cambridge, but left without taking a degree. In the beginning of the 1830s he visited Germany, where he met Goethe. During 1831-33 he studied law at the Middle Temple, London. In 1833 he brought with a large heritage the National Standard, but lost his fortune a year later in other bad investments. After art studies in Paris returned in 1837 to London and started his career as a hard working journalist. His writings attracted first attention in Punch, where he satirized English snobbery. He wrote his most famous novel in 1847-48 which brought prosperity and made him established writer and popular lecturer in Europe and in the United States. He was less successful with his attempt to stand for Parliament, and his contacts with friendly rival Charles Dickens ended in a quarrel. Most of his major novels were published as monthly serials. In 1860 he became the first editor of the Cornhill Magazine, where several of his later works appeared. Name him.

ANS: Author of Vanity Fair - W M Thackeray

8. The Simpsons. Name the clown, the favourite of all the Simpsons.

ANS: Krusty

9. Born in Guildford, he was educated at Dulwich, and after a period in a bank, took to freelance writing. He was captured in France by the Germans during World War II where his five broadcasts about his prison experience (when Britain was still under siege by Germany), caused deep and long lasting resentment on the British whic forced him to take up residence in great neck, Long Island, USA. Who?

ANS: P G Wodehouse

10. In the Walt Disney film "Jungle Book", there are five vultures. Name them.

ANS: The Vultures were named after Beatles (John, Paul, Ringo, George) There was a fifth vulture too (and I dont know who it was named after!!)

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