KREC QuizNet
Prasanth's Quiz - June 1998
Here are the Answers to the Quiz by Prasanth Samavedam.

1. Walt Disney's beloved characters - Chip 'n Dale....share a common girlfriend called Clarisse..Both guys look adorably alike so how does Clarisse distinguish the two ?

ANS : Chip has a Black nose and Dale a Pink one.

2. Something really trivial but whats common to the first men on Earth and the first men on Moon ?

ANS: the first MEN on Earth were ADAM,ABEL and CAIN.Their initials are A,A and C.Now about Armstrong, Aldrin and Collins........

3. A = Alpha , C = Charlie, Z=Zulu .......and so on goes the code lingo ....whats I = ?

ANS: India

4. Complete the slogan of the AIRPLANE PILOTS CREED of US ....

"In God we trust........................................"


5. Whats common to the following personalities...Carole Lombard,Jim Reeves,Audie Murphy, Otis Redding and Rocky Marciano ?

ANS: All the above personalities died in airplane crashes...adding Buddy Holly would have been a giveaway ?

6. This ad at various locations in New York has a scene from the shores of Ganga, where an old Boatsman is staring at the camera...the adline is "Last birth I was a philosopher who thought the world rests on the back of a giant Turtle..."...advertising which product ?

ANS: The product is FINLANDIA VODKA ...I still wonder the connection but below the ad, it also says, "last birth it was pure Glacial water "... by the way here's a cool one for the Bronx Zoo " You'll learn a lot about Okapis here.For starters, they exist."

7. from where did H.H.Munro alias 'Saki' pick up the latter name ?

ANS: The version I have here is from 'Saki' or cup-bearer from Rubaiyat -E-Omar Khayyam...but Gopal Kidao has an interesting one..

"Saki used to teach history in school sometime and he liked Edward Gibbons book" Rise and fall of the Roman Empire". So decided to pick a name that would be a pun on it(as a tribute to Gibbon). Now Gibbon is a species/kind of monkey and so is Saki. so thats how he took his name. I a believer of version 2 as saki was a person whose writings are full of puns and satire and i would think that 2 would be very much like him."

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