KREC QuizNet
Ajay's Quiz - Sep 1998

1. Chris Patten, the last governor of Hong Kong has recently written a book titled "East and West" about the handover of the colony back to China. The book made news when Harpercollins on Murdoch's behest refused to publish the book as it would ruffle feathers in China. Patten in his book refers to two groups of people, the OCH and the OFOC. What do these abbreviations stand for?


2. This music band's name was a combination of a recipe the band's manager read in a book and the band's fascination with the occult. The name is also an anagram of Cully's stout beer. Which band am I refering to?


3. Bijaganita,Goladhyay,Grahaganita and __________ are the chapters of a pioneering work in mathematics and astronomy written in our hoary past. Just complete the blank?


4. This fictional character was named after a mascot of a troop of Canadian soldiers of WW1.The mascot was named after the hometown of the soldiers in Manitoba and later donated to a zoo. The author and his son saw the creature there and was inspired to create a fictional character. Name the character he created?


5. This mathematical curve was studied by Maria _______ in 1748 and was named verssina in Italian in her book Instituzioni Analitchi. It was also known as Agnesiennes. It is believed that she confused an old Italian word meaning free to move with the word Verssina. How do we know this mathematical curve as?


6. Name the books which form a part of "The Rosey Crucifixion Trilogy"? ( clue: controversial writer whose books were also banned)


7. An imaginary creature in the children's book "If I ran the zoo" by Dr Seuss (1904-91) in a passage in the book says "I'll sail to Ka-Troo/And bring back in it a kutch, a prelep and a Proo, a nerkle a _____ and a seersucker too" This book was published in 1950 and the word which I left out was first recorded as being used in 1951. The word previously meant a dull,unattractive or offensive person though now its slightly changed its meaning. What is the word?


8. A martial art form becoming a rage in the US today was originally developed by the Israeli Defence forces. Imi Lichtenfeld is the grandest practitioner of the form.It literally means "contact combat" and is known for its fast pace and rapid movements. Name the form?


9. The chemical evolution theory of the origin of life assumes that seas and oceans on the primitive earth were quite different from what they are today. The sea from which life took birth from was called the primordial soup. Who coined the term primodial soup?


10. About whom did the English poet Auden write

Shut up in a lonely mansion, with police night and day Patrolling the gardens to keep Assassins away, he got down to work, to the task of settling the fate Of millions. The maps at his disposal were out of date. And the census returns almost certainly incorrect.......


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