KREC QuizNet
Nitin's Quiz - Sep 1998

1. The plays of this modern British playwright show the influence of Samuel Beckett and Eugene Ionesco. He won two awards for his play The Caretaker in 1960, but may be better known for his plays 'The Birthday Party' and 'The Dumb Waiter'. Most recently, this man has organized a group in Britain which is protesting the glorification of Columbus and other explorers of the New World. Name this playwright whose trademark is setting an entire play in a single room.


2. Union County, South Carolina; Berkeley County, Virginia; Augusta County, Virginia; York County, Pennsylvania; England; Ireland; and a ship at sea are all possible birthplaces for this president, whose official birthplace is listed as Waxhaw, South Carolina., Name the president, famous for his "kitchen cabinet."


3. This mathematical term describes the path that a particle takes if it visits all relevant locations and does not retrace any path between two locations. Name this circuit, named for an 18th century Swiss mathematician.


4. His grandfather and father were both musicians in the service of the prince electors Max Friedrich and Max Franz. His own talent was such that by the age of 12 he was already an assistant to the organist Christian Gottlob Neefe with whom he studied. Identify this composer of the ballet "The Creatures of Prometheus", the oratorio "Christ on the Mount of Olives" and the sonata Appassionata.


5. The two largest towns are St. Helier and St. Peter Port. They include Lihou, Jethou, Herm, Little Sark, Great Sark, and Aldernay, as well as the two largest islands. Name this autonomous British possession near the French coast.


6. The Fifth Son, Souls on Fire, A Beggar in Jerusalem, Night, and Dawn were all written by this man, a holocaust survivor., Name him, the winner of the 1986 Nobel Peace Prize.


7. Aroused by an unprovoked massacre at Sand Creek in 1864, this Plains Indian tribe waged war with Americans and participated in Little Bighorn in 1876. They surrendered, and were forced onto reservations the following year., Name the tribe, which shares its name with a state capital.


8. A. A. Fair, Kyle Corning, Charles M. Green, Less Tillray, Carleton Kendrake, Robert Parr, and Charles J. Kenny are all the same person., By what name do we better know this author?


9. The second use of an offensive atomic weapon was on August 9, 1945 against the Japanese city of Nagasaki. Nagasaki was actually the secondary target of "Little Boy.", Name the original target, which was obscured by clouds on the day of the bombing, forcing the drop on Nagasaki?


10. The legend of the zombie may be based on fact. Three drugs known to voodoo priests have been shown to produce the effects associated with zombies. One, derived from a toad, is known to boost strength. Another, plant-based, induces the trade-mark trancelike state. The third comes from a fish revered as a,delicacy; it can induce paralysis, and is attributed to many "awakening from the dead" stories. Name this daring delicacy.


11. All of Shakespeare's plays were based upon other works. Given the source, identify the play.
a.Plautus' works Menaechmi and Amphitruo
b.The 1590 Thomas Lodge work Rosalynde
c.1566's Palace of Pleasure by William Painter


12. This ancient king organized his empire into 20 satrapies and defeated the Babylonians and Assyrians. At the same time, he freed the Jews, for which the prophet Isaiah hailed him as a great hero., Name this king who ruled Persia from 559 to 530 B.C. and was responsible for unification and expansion of the Persian empire.


13. In greek myth, who started the family curse by attempting to serve his boiled son at a banquet to the gods?


14. He was born in Portland, Oregon, in 1887. After graduating from Harvard in 1910, he began his journalistic career as a reporter for a Socialist newspaper. Although he reported on the Mexiccan Revolution for Metropolitan magazine, he is best know for his eyewitness account of the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution in Russia in Ten Days That Shook The World. After escaping to the Soviet Union in 1920, he died of typhus at age 33. Name this man, who until recently was the only American buried in Russia.


15. Which games, held in Israel every two years and restricted to athletes of Jewish faith, regularly feature cricket among other disciplines at international level?


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