1. What was Walt Disney referring to when he said "You can't top pigs with pigs"?
ANS: Sequels
2. Which famous novel was the first novel written entirely on a typewriter?
ANS : Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain
3. It traditionally consists of 8 vertical cloth panels stitched together to form a robe-like garment with wide rectangular sleeves and is bound together with a decorative sash called an "obi". What
is the name of this garment?
ANS: Kimono
4. This famous 20th century personality is also known as "The ocean of wisdom and the protector of the land of snows". How do we know him better?
ANS: Dalai Lama
5. Although the word "Mandarin" is commonly considered to be of chinese origin, it is derived from another language. Which language is it derived from originally?
ANS: Sanskrit, from "Mantrin" or counsellor
6. The internet has given rise to a number of new terminilogies. What kind of applications are Cyber Patrol, Surf Watch, Net Nanny and Big Brother?
ANS: Access filters, used to block access to objectionable content on the Internet.
7. It was originally housed in a building called Diwan Devdi. It shifted to its present location in 1968. In 1961 it was declared an institution of national importance by an act of parliament. What am I
talking about?
ANS: The Salarjung Museum in Hyderabad.
8. Which English word is derived from the latin phrase call out. It is
the name of an item which we use in our everyday life ?
ANS: Calendar
9. Airports around the world are identified by an abbreviation of 3 letters. Which international airport is identified by the letters CCU?
ANS: Calcutta.
10. This cosmetic was originally made by a Roman physician called Galen 1700 years ago. Its basic formula has hardly changed since then. Name this cosmetic?
ANS: Cold Cream.
11. Which natural phenomenon can be observed only in the morning or late afternoon and can oCCUr only when the sun is 40 degrees or less above the horizon?
ANS: Rainbow
12. Alfred Nobel is famous for inventing dynamite. His father, Emmanuel Nobel invented an equally famous product which we use to make a number of items in our daily lives. Name this product.
ANS: Plywood
13. Abraham Lincoln mentioned that he was inspired in his fight against racism, by a book. Which book?
ANS: Harriet Beecher Stowes' Uncle Toms Cabin
14. Which animal has been described as having the skeleton of a
bison, the hair of a goat, the tail of a horse, the head of a cow and
makes a grunt like a pig?
ANS: Yak
15. This famous fictional character is said to have written a brilliant work called The Dynamics of an Asteroid. Name this character.
ANS: Prof. Moriarty - the arch enemy of Sherlock Holmes
16. Franz Beckenbauer has won the football world cup as a player and a manager. Who is the only person to have won it as a player, a coach and a manager?
ANS: Mario Zagallo
17. Which community in India is exclusively involved in a non-agricultural profession as a livelihood due to their religious tenet?
ANS: Jains.
18. This phrase is often used in education and literally means "foster mother". Which phrase?
ANS: Alma mater
19. The founder of this product wanted a two syllable brand name, which was easy to pronounce, not from the english language and started and ends with the same letter or phonetic sound. Name
this famous brand.
ANS: Kodak.
20. This artificial structure is a substitute of a naturally existing structure. It is made of wood and consists of a large lower portion called "brood chamber" and above it a number of smaller compartments "called supers". What kind of an artificial structure is it?
ANS: Bee Hive