KREC QuizNet
Quiz by Sanjay - Nov 1998
Click on the Question to see the Answer. Need MS Explorer 4.0 !

1. What event or procedure, now part of all space missions was originally inspired by Fritz Langs's "Frau on Mond" ( The woman on the moon)?

2. This should be very easy. What is common to moon, streak, coral, military, biochemic, sand, icecream, acid and stone?

3. What is the most quoted verse in the Mundakopanishad of the Hindu religion, which is used by the Indian Government?

4. Which fictitious character composed a monograph on the ashes of 140 different varieties of pipe, cigar and cigarette tobaccos?

5. Which part of the human body will expand 3 times when excited?

6. What was John Shephard-Baron's contribution to banking?

7. Which is the only country to have a different pattern on each side of its national flag? [Clue : On one side is the Coat of arms and on the other side is the Treasury seal?

8. Which organization was founded by Peter Benison, a lawyer of London in 1961?

9. Which famous Indian statesman when commenting on the present state of affairs in the country said "The Rich will only get Richer. The poor will only get Children" ?

10. About what was the famous poet "John Milton" referring to when he said that :-
Nature requires five.
Custom requires seven
Laziness takes nine
And Wickedness Eleven

11. What language was invented by Abbe Charles Michel Eppe in the 18th century which is currently used by more than 1 crore people ?

12. For those who like computers. What is the smallest possible movement made by a mouse called?

13. The CEO of Microsoft - Bill Gates is supposed to be the richest man on earth. Now, tell me what is the expansion for Microsoft ? Can't ignore Intel can we ? so give me the expansion for Intel?

14. Who is credited to have devoloped the world's first Encryption technique [ A method to code a message] ?

15. How did BMW get its logo comprising of a circle divided into 4 quarters.

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