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Suresh's Quiz - Nov 1998

1. Young men in medieval england, to impress the crowd as to how great swordsmen they were, would wave their sword and shield rapidly about. What (quite descriptive) word in english comes from these people?


2. In Hindu myth, Indra's elephant is Airavat. Now, just name his horse.


3. In the Quran, there are two chapters called "Injil" and "Tawrat". What are they better known as ? (sorry, but couldnt find a better phrasing. No slight intended)


4. This popular brand, when first introduced in China, used as it's brand name some chinese characters which sounded like the brand's actual name. However, they were forced to change it hurriedly when they found that this "chinese" brand name actually meant "bite the wax tadpole" and promptly changed it. Which brand?


5. Nigel Hawthorne played a devious civil servant in Yes Minister and Yes Prime Minister. What was his full name ?


6. This revolutionary war american spy, who was hanged by the British, is the "patron saint" of the CIA. In fact, his statue (with a noose around it's neck) is in front of the CIA's Langley headquarters. His famous (probably apocryphal) last words - "My only regret is that I have only one life to give for my country". Name him.


7. In medieval India, rulers would challenge people to volunteer for a dangerous deed by placing something on a tray. Who ever picked it up volunteered to do it. What hindi phrase comes from this practice? Alternatively (or better still, give me both), what was the medieval european practice ? It is again an english phrase meaning "to challenge".


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