Suresh's Quiz - Nov 1998
1. Which is the only part of the human body which does not feel pain though it contains numerous nerves?
2. In Hindu mythology, whose name literally means Ear as he is said to have been born out of his mother's ear ?
3. What are common to these movies - Adi Shankaracharya, Bhagvad Gita and Swami Vivekananda?
4. What is located at 17°23' N latitude and 78°28' E longitude?
5. Which South American city's name literally means River of January in Spanish ?
6. Which athletic event is referred to as Suicide in Ten Instalments ?
7. In the USA, what is divided into Eastern, Central, Mountain and Pacific ?
8. What title did the Mughal emperor Aurangzeb bestow on the rulers of Jaipur, feeling that they were 25% more brave and handsome than the rest of the world ?
9. Which district in Uttar Pradesh is in the centre of a controversy because of the Central Government's decision to include it in the proposed Uttaranchal state?
10. By what name is the fictional character Don Diego de la Vega better known as ?
11.Which international organization got it's name because, when it was first started, it's members would meet in turn in each other's homes ?
12. In the S.I system of measurement, there are seven basic units for measurement of physical quantities. Six of them are Ampere, Kelvin, Kilogram, Metre, Mole and Second. Name the seventh unit.
13. To which company did the shipment of tea dumped in the ocean by American colonists (in the famous Boston Tea Party) belong ?
14. In fiction, who said to whom on their first meeting - "I presume you have been to Afghanistan" ?
15. Which popular movie, originally made in Tamil and later dubbed into several languages, was based on the kidnapping of an Indian Oil executive called Mr. Doraiswamy Iyengar by militants ?
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