KREC QuizNet
Divya's Quiz - Dec 1998
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1. This nursery rhyme first appeared in the works of the satirist Thomas Brown, who it was said was threatened with expulsion from Oxford unless he could translate on the spot, the lines of Roman poet Martial,
`No amo te, Sabidi,
nec possum dicere quare;
Hoc tantum possum dicere,
Non amo te'.
Brown's translation was this verse. Name the rhyme?

2. In teh 1720s Handel and an Italian Musician Giovanni Battista Bononcini were enmeshed in a bitter rivalry . This public dispute was described by John Byrom as:
"Some say ,compared to Bononcini
that Mynheer Handel's but a ninny;
Others aver that he to Handel;
Is scarcely fit to hold a candle.
Strange that all this difference be

A later rhyme is supposed to be based on this doggrel.Name the rhyme.

3. Legend has it that King John expressed his wish to pass through _________ fields on his way to Nottigham. Since in those times any throughfare which the king passed through became a public road. The citizens determined to avert this, engaged in a number of idiotic pursuits. Some tried to drown an eel in a pond....others tried to have perpetual summer by building a hedge around a cuckoo...etc etc . This convinced the Kings outriders that the village was populated by madmen and the King finally took another route.The `wise men of _________ ' thus achieved their aim.

4. `Deus Indicate' or `God points the way' was the original motto of which organisation?

5. The name of this novel first published in 1954 is a literal translation of the hebrew word which was `mistransliterated and mistranslated' to give us a Greek synonym for Devil. Which book am I talking about?

6. Lord Wavell, the last but one viceroy of India, used this mnemonic "Hot Kippers make Good Breakfast" to remember what ?

7. A certain weapon gets its name from a crude wind instrument made of pipes, invented by Bob Burns, US comedian? name it.

8. Who said the following words and on what occasion:- "........Why was all this necessary in the upper layers of the atmosphere? Or maybe the pilot was to have flown still higher to Mars, and was going to lead Martian ladies astray. You see how throughly American pilots are equipped before they set out to take samples of air in the upper layers of the atmosphere".

9. Thomas Macaulay, besides drafting the Education Minute, also drafted another famous document which too was accepted and adopted by the East India Company and is used to this day( with the necessary modifications). Name it.

10. Collectively know as "San En" in Japan or, in some references, "Koshin", in a few words who or what are "Mizaru","Kikazaru" and Iwazaru"?

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