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Suman's Quiz - Dec 1998
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1. Name the classical composer whose works were "enhanced" in their own fashion by Emerson Lake and Palmer at the height of the progressive rock wave in the 70s.

2. Name the rock legend whose middle name is Devadip, and who is (was, last I checked) married to a Bengali lady?

3. Who, at the height on the born-again-Beatlemania wave that accompanied the release of the Anthology series, declared that the Beatles didn't do much for him, that he thought of them as "Elevator Music"? (Newsweek promptly jumped on him and said, "If it weren't for The Beatles, _____ would still be taking the stairs!")

4. *warning! Mandatory Indian-in-rock question!!* Name this son of Indian immigrant grad school students, who grew up to be one of the most acclaimed new guitarists at the start of the 90s.

5. Her group's first record was reviewed as being "remarkably free of talent", she was accused of being a heroin addict while pregnant with her daughter, was at one time most famous for wearing dresses onstage with no panties - and earned the adulation of the press after playing a porn king's bisexual mistress in her first mainstream film. Who are we talking about?

6. The Troggs and their chief songwriter Reg Presley achieved minor fame in the 60s, but their most lasting contributions to music are the versions of their songs as performed by other artistes. First came Hendrix - doing their Wild Thing at Monterey in 97. Much much later, came a hit off the soundtrack of THE Brit hit film of the 90s. Name the song/film.

7. Sheryl Crow spent 18 months as a backing singer in his band - and she says the one thing she remembers the most vividly about that time is that never once did he ever call her by name, or bother to find out. Who's this model employer?

8. Jazz purists will be astonished to be reminded that Miles Davis actually made one of her songs something of a theme tune for himself -> Pink Floyd fans nearly blew a gasket when she came onstage during Waters' Wall Show in Berlin - but she just wants to have fun ! Who are we talking about?

9. Ex-Monty Python Terry Gilliam recently claimed that the backers of their films - The Life of Brian and one whose name I forget - were very disapppointed when the films did well; being members of Pink Floyd and Led Zep who had invested in them hoping to get tax breaks against (what were hoped to be) box office disasters! But the owner of Handmade Films would have been happy, even if he was of the same tribe. In fact, he had more or less given up his rock career to devote more time to the film company. Who?

10. We all know about rock stars issuing bonds - Bowie, Elton John, etc etc. But one of them has gone ahead and become in effect, an Internet Service Provider, with dedicated content for subscribers to his/her service. Who's this?

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