KREC QuizNet
Saarang 99 - Prelims
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1. What is the dress consisting of a body cloth or a long kilt tucked or grit at the waist and generally of coloured silk or cotton which forms the main article of dress of Malays and the Javanese ?

2. This is an old North of England Provincialism for eating or drinking outside meal-times. Anglo-Indians brought it into vogue in India. What ?

3. 3. Complete this list : _______ , Martin Alonzo Pinzar, Vincente Yanez Pinzon.

4. One of the few distinguished scientists to remain in Germany during the Nazi period, he was marked for assassination by the U.S Government who sent the former Boston Redsox catcher Moe Berg to shoot him in neutral Switzerland. Berg, sitting in the second row found himself uncertain because of the scientist's remarks about how advanced the German program was and kept his gun in his pocket. Who was the scientist ? > (Clues all over the place !)

5. In February 1981, the Adelaide Advertiser carried this ad ``Death - Australian cricket died of shame last ball before stumps 1 Feb 1981 C'mon Aussies C'mon''. Connected with this, a DJ from Wellington asked listeners if they had heard of a new under-arm deodorant. ``Its called Chappel'', he said,''and it stinks''. Incident ?

6. First made in 1709 by an Italian named Bartolomeo Cristofori, it was actually a modification of the harpsichord with some additional features. Because it could be played either loud or soft, it got its name from the Italian words for the same. What ?

7. ``In respect of the recurrent emergence of the theme of sex in the minds of his characters, it must always be remembered that his locale was Celtic and his season Spring ... whilst in many places the effect of ___________ on the reader undoubtedly is somewhat emetic, nowhere does it tend to be an aphrodisiac.'' Fill 'er up.

8. Charles Schultz taught cartooning by correspondence at the Art Instruction School at St. Paul, Minnesota. How did he immortalized one of his fellow teachers ?

9. A genealogical tree commonly contains three-line marks indicating succession. This mark resembles the shape of a crane's foot. What word comes from this ?

10. A particular ore often looked as though it contained copper, but closer inspection revealed that there was actually no copper in the ore but some other metal. This seemed as though a demon had caused the copper to vanish. The name of this demon in German gives rise to the name of the metal. Which one ?

11. A Phrygian by birth, he was sold when he was young and brought to Athens. Later he acquired fame as a writer which got him an invitation from the King of Lydia. The King sent him to consult the Oracle at Delphi which infuriated the Delphians as he had earlier made fun of them. So they accused him of having hidden one of the sacred vessels of Apollo's temple and put him to death by throwing him off a rock. Whoitis ?

12. ust complete this ad line for a recent product ``I think therefore ______''

13. 13. ``All their lyrics suck'' grumbled Courtney Love. ``But the music is so great ... its like Beethoven with really bad, elfin (elven?) Dungeons and Dragons lyrics.'' Which band dearies ?

14. Sitting duck :
Psalm 137 :
__ ___ ______ __ _______, there we sat down, yea, we wept, when we remembered Zion. We hanged our harps upon the willows in the midst there of. For there they that carried us away captive required of us a song; and they that wasted us required of us mirth, saying, Sing us one of the songs of Zion.

Fill in the blanks with the name of a famous song.

15. Who's missing here : Aesculapius, Hygeia, Panacea.

16. Which sport when introduced in India at Satara was called `Tam Tam Phul Khel'. Incidentally this was turned by Tommy Atkins to Tom Fool.

17. In the Roman Republic magistrates elected to the assemblies had a sub-group of people who were in charge of preventing anyone of bad conduct from holding office and making people behave properly. What were these people called ?

18. This person coined the word Zapangu ( from which we get 'Japan' ) to translate the Chinese sound Jim-pen-kuo which was the Chinese name for Japan and which literally means `country where the sun rises'. Who ?

19. Who was supposedly the first baby born on the hundredth anniversary of Canadian independence ( Canada's centennial baby ) ?

20. Which author became a partner in firm of publishers run by John and James Ballantyne, who were thin and fat respectively. He nicknamed them 'Rigdumfunnidos' and 'Aldiborontiphoscophornio'? Later this firm ran into losses and the author died in poverty.

21. In ancient Greece when Aristotle taught at the Lyceaum, he and his pupils wandered up and down the grounds of the school. What was the school of philosophy called as a result?

22. In the world of cricket what are Grid Iron, Grand Prix, Bikie, Star Wars and Bider ?

23. Who was the first Indian to present an Academy Award (in 1982) ?

24. In memori ov

MERI ______
Weif of Mr.Eizak ______
Fonetik Printer, ov this Sit.
Deid 19 Agust 1857 edjed 64
'Preper tu mit thei God'
-EMOS 4,12

Complete !

25. This book was originally titled Nusquama, or Nowhere, but someone, nobody knows who, changed the title to its Greek equivalent during its printing and introduced a new word to the language. Author and book please ?

26. In height, as a rule, they are about ten times the diameter of the base. Their dimensions vary, the tallest known one is about 127 feet high, the smallest, less than six and a half feet. Their name is derived from the Greek word for 'dagger'. What are these ?

27. We all know that the Bible has been translated into more languages than any other book. But, which book is the second most translated book ?

28. To whom did the Portuguese merchants who built a fort on the promontory in West Ceylon to guard their anchorage in 1518 dedicate it to ?

29. Although legend has it that an Ethiopian goatherd, whose animals became hyper from eating the berries, first noticed coffee's stimulating effects, 15th century Sufis in Yemen were the first to drink it. What is the name of the city in Yemen where coffee was first brewed ?

30. In the 1880s a short supply of tusks and a billiards boom conjoined to create a crisis. America's largest maker of balls, Phelan and Collender offered 10000 dollars in gold to anyone who came up with a synthetic substitute for ivory. It is only in 1907, however that a Belgium born inventor who made a bundle on quick action photographic paper hit upon the right combination of chemicals. What did he create ? Its a derived from his surname.

31. Which 1994 movie had the byline,

``He's quite engaging, She's otherwise engaged''

32. After Marilyn Monroe posed in the altogether for Playboy, a female journalist exclaimed, ``You had nothing on !''. To this Monroe replied, ``I did. ________!''. Let your imagination run wild !

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