KREC QuizNet
CHAOS 99 - The Trivia Quiz Prelims
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1. The Buddhist Thai kings bear whose name as a title to signify the righteousness of their rule?

2. Around 500 BC the skyline of Babylon was dominated by a huge ziggurat, 300ft high and visible for miles. The Ziggurat had a temple at top. What legend did it give birth to?

3. Name the rock-group that Michael Leigh named for a Sado-masochist novel that a group member found in a gutter?

4. In the 18th century, in Southern America there was a conflict between the Spaniards born in Spain who were called the Peninsulars and the Spaniards born in America. What were the latter called?

5. These two inventors never met but fought each other for the title of "Father of modern motor car". Ironically the pair was united in death when in 1926 the two companies that they founded decided to merge. Name the pair?

6. Which country fought with the Allies in World War I but was so upset that the League of nations did not proclaim the equality of races, that it joined the axis in the Second world War?

7. How is the six-day uprising in 1916 of Irish amateur troops better known? (The was brutally put down by the British.)

8. The SS in Nazi Germany had a fighting arm that fought with ruthless efficiency and with a great deal of courage in the Second World War, particularly on the eastern front. What was the body called?

9. What is the traditional toast among Jews at the Passover feast?

10. What unusual object do you find on Malta's flag?

11. The Moluccas in Indonesia was the first place where mace and nutmeg were discovered. By what name was the Moluccas known for long?

12. Which operation in 1983 saw 7000 US soldiers winning 8612 medals?

13. A king who tried to serve Zeus with a meal of human flesh was turned into a wolf. Either name the king or a word that derives from that of the King's?

14. What connects the city of Singapore and the stinking corpse lily ?

15. When Rabindranath Tagore visited a little hut at Gurupally in Shantiniketan, to bless a new born child on May 3, 1923, he was moved by the brightness of the boy and instantly gave him a name which means imperishable. Who?

16. Connect a novel called "Paul Clifford" by Edward Bulwer Lytton to the Peanuts comic strip?

17. What mysterious letters first appeared in a painting called "Girlhood of Mary the Virgin" after the signature of the painter Dante Gabriel Rosetti?

18. According to legend, a Chinese fisherman to distract seasick sailors during heavy weather invented a game. In fact each round is named for a wind direction. Communist China outlawed it as they felt it encouraged corruption and wasted time. Which game?

19. Whom did Saurav Ganguly replace in the Bengal Ranji team, when he made his debut in the Ranji trophy final match in 1989?

20. What word, derived from the sound of a creature, was coined in 1944 by Maury Maverick, the Democrat representative from Texas, to signify unintelligible bureaucratic jargon?

21. To make travel back and forth in time, sci-fi writers invented a hypothetical long thin tunnel structure in space-time that connects points separated in space and time. What is such a structure called?

22. There is an unwritten rule that when the works of a certain author are adapted for stage, film or even musicals, they are named after the most interesting character in that particular work. Which author?

23. Allen J.Shepherd was the first man to play golf on the moon. On his return though, the PGA pulled him up. Why?

24. Which common pigment (vivid red) that comes from cochineal derives its name from the Arabic "Qirmiz" and the Latin "Minium" (cinnabar)?

25. Which word is thought to have ultimately derived from a Hebrew religious phrase "BARUKH HABBA" meaning "Blessed be the one who comes" which was uttered with much gusto during weddings (In French theater the guy playing the devil would run around shouting this phrase)?

26. Which band of free slaves trained as cavalrymen in the army of the rulers of Baghdad became rulers of Egypt and Syria in 1250. In 13 AD they also halted the Mongol advance and actually lasted till the 16th century?

27. The launching of the Citizens fo Democracy movement climaxed into which chapter in Indian history?

28. Who posed a Vahuka, a charioteer in the court of Rituparna, the king of Ayodhya?

29. The idea was suggested as a joke by Benjamin Franklin but became a reality during the First World War when Europe needed to conserve fuel and have more time for war production. Which idea?

30. How is Priapus, the God of procreation, guardian of gardens and vineyards depicted in statues?

31. On the eve of the overseas MCC tour in September 1968, a player Tom Cartwright was injured. The injury had major repercussions. Why?

32. What's common - walk the dog, Split the atom, Skin the cat, Rock the cradle, Cat's cradle, Milk the cow, Lunar loop, Behind bars & Jamaican flags?

33. As if to prove that there is no such thing as absolute truth a classic film paints the picture of a killing through the eyes of the three protagonists and an eyewitness. Of course, all the characters have different versions. Name the classic film?

34. Which is the only instance in modern Olympic history of a Gold medal having been awarded posthumously?

35. We would say 'It's Greek to me". Who would use the phrase "io estas por mi volapukajo" meaning "It's all Volapuk to me".

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