KREC QuizNet
Dhruva's General Quiz
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1. "I wanted to become a doctor but became the largest quack in the world" can u tell me who this 'usual unsung hero' is ?

2. In A.D 1752 the period from Oct 4 - 15 has unique significance, obviously the question is why?

3. What are these - American roast, Vienna roast, Italian roast ?

4. In medieval ages, church bells were rung in order to indicate progress of time and also as an alarm. This practice especially pertained to Britain. how was the practice lexicalised, hope u know that Iam talking about a reformed current day practice also.

5. Tendency to defer small problems until they become large and complex- just tell me what this is ?

6. Some geography - You all know where charminar is ... now tell me wherez chor minar ?

7. Where in the world can u find prophet Muhammad's clothing or his last apparel worn ?

8. Symptom that you would find in a female with moushtache ....

9. 'My word is my bond' , where you can find these ?

10. Hindu deities esp. Lord Rama & krishna are worshipped by hindus along with a section of muslims , How are these muslims known ..

11. Who is called the grand oldman of mahabharata ?

12. Palantine, Kapitoline, Esquiline,Aventine, Keliane ,Quirinol and ....?

13. Which cricketeer isnicknamed "sherry" ?

14. "I know I have the body of a weak and feeblewoman but I have the heart and stomach of a king" - whose words were these ?

15. Where can you find a newel ?

16. This instrument's origin has been inspired by the famous invention of james watt and is still considered to be one of man's common utilities. It was originally called the steam digestor can you give the current most common name ?

17. What made Charlie chaplin, Mary Pickford Douglas Fairbanks and DW Griffiths join ?

18. What is Lambdacism ... some thing related to nuclearphysics ?

19. What does kangaroo mean...?

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