Lahar's Quiz - Dec 1998
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1. What is the slang word for letting one particular interest dominate your life, to the exclusion of all others?Its used in a derogatory fashion mostly with junkies, and is taken from a cult novel by Irvine. Welsh.
2. Who was recently chosen by Time magazine as Man of the Millenium ?
3. What was Captain Millers last mission ? Sorry, no more clues.
4. "A three legged dog is still a dog, it'll just have to learn to run differently".This was said by a musician recently. Name the band he fronts, and the context in which he said it.
5. Who succeeded Roger Durling as President of the United States ?
6. Connect the Nigerian football team with California.
7. What is the Slavonic word for libertine ?
8. Who was Dr Strangelove based on ?
9. Which South African cricketeer has the first name Wessel ?
10. Who 'always get their man' ?
11. An academician called Hardy once went to visit a friend of his in a hospital in England, sometime in the 1920s.What was the number of the taxi in which he got to hospital, and its significance ?
12. Nike : Swoosh :: Reebok: ______ ?
13. If you were tolchoking one of the devochkas, which language would you be speaking in ?
14. Who is Tintins charlady ?
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