Movin's Computer Quiz
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1. The first product made by this company was a car record player. They gave themselves a name similar to the name of the market leader in record players in those days. Today, this company has a worldwide presence and is known as a premier communications company. Name the company?
2. Mitchell Kapor, a Bostonian, is a teacher of Transcendental Meditation and a Buddhist. In 1988, he started a foundation for electronic free speech. But he is the founder of a well-know company. Which one?
3. An American inventor Herman Hollerith devised an electromechanical counting machine that used punched cards to tabulate the results of the 1890 United States census. The firm that grew out of this business eventually became which familiar company?
4. Nolan Bushnell launched the video game industry with the founding of a company that took its name from the Japanese game of "Go" where the word is used to warn an opponent that he is in danger of losing. Name the Company?
5. In the Internet lingo, if someone advised you to 'RTFM', what is he telling you to do ?
6. What is a three-finger exercise?
7. Why did Intel call the successor to the 486 Processor series "Pentium", instead of using a combination of digits as they had always done?
8. He shares his first name with a character in "Peanuts" and he is known as the person who wrote Linux. Who ?
9. If you find yourself in an Infinite Loop in the Bay area, where would you be?
10. What is the section of Yahoo that is dedicated to kids called ?
11. What are "Bells & Whistles"?
12. A program that automatically sends a default reply to the senders of incoming email messages is called?
13. Which Bangalorean started the free e-mail service "Hotmail"?
14. It is the name of a very famous river in South America. However, Amazon is also known in the wired world for what?
15. What is electronic money known as in common internet parlance ?
16. It is not something that you'd like to eat even if you were stranded in an island with adequate supplies of it. However, which unpopular food item is also the term used to describe unwanted mail sent to a mass of e-mail addresses to advertise products or services?
17. What is DPI in computer printing terminology ?
18. What is the term for a small, book-sized computer with a screen that allows you to read the digitized text of a book complete with a touch-sensitive screen and stylus that let you highlight, annotate, or bookmark the book?
19. Before the World Wide Web, what was the system for finding and displaying document files stored on the Internet. It was named for the mascot of the college where it was developed, the University of Minnesota?
20. Which company started in a garage in Palo Alto received its first order from Disney, the making the film Fantasia, for Oscillators?
21. What do we call software that has become so loaded with features that it practically takes up all of a computer's hard disk and requires much too much of its RAM to run ?
22. Who is called the father of computing for his contribution to the basic design of the Computer through what he called the analytical engine?
23. DVD, the new technology that looks like a CD-ROM but holds over 4.7 GB of data (can hold a full length movie) stands for?
24. Who is a 404 ? (clue : The Internet)
25. Which word, meaning both "an oppurtunistic Computer hacker" and "Science fiction dealing with future urban societies dominated by computers" was coined by writer Bruce Bethke ?
26. What is a program that is disguised as useful software but which actually crashes your hard-disk called?
27. What is Spanish for a "tall pole" ? (clue : ask the Document Company)
28. In the field of Computers, the statement "the power of a microprocessor doubles every 18 months...." is better known as?
29. Name the first Indian product to be put up on Microsoft's Site Builder Network site? Hint - it is a customer e-mail manager !
30. What was Project Memphis?
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