KREC QuizNet
Vinod Viswanath's Quiz - Mar 1998
Answers to Vinod Viswanath's Quiz

1. We all know James Herriot's books
All things bright and beautiful
All creatures great and small
All things wise and wonderful
The Lord God made them all.

Herriot based these titles from a poem which runs exactly as above. the question is who is the original author of these lines (i shud say poet, perhaps)


2. Common noun question. a group of geese is a flock, a gaggle and a skein depending in the the circumstances the geese find themselves in. The question is what is a group of eagles.


3. Based on a true story, this film follows the plight of 53 African captives aboard the Spanish slave ship Amistad. Led by Cinque (Djimon Hounsou), the captives take over the ship and attempt to sail back to Africa. They are captured off the East Coast and are tried in the American court system. seeking re-election, President Van Buren is willing to sacrifice the Africans. The case takes on historic proportions when former President John Quincy Adams comes out of retirement to take the Africans' cause all the way to the Supreme Court. Name the film and director and who played the role of John Quincy Adams.

ANS: AMISTAD - Steven Spielberg - Sir Anthony Hopkins

4. She was born Mary ___ _____ (full name wud be a giveaway) in Warwickshire, England. She received an ordinary education until the age of 16 and after that embarked on a program of independent study to further her intellectual growth. She moved to Coventry with her father where the influence of "skeptics and rationalists" swyed her from an intense religious devoutness to an eventual break with the church. Death of her father in 1849, left her a small legacy and freedomn to pursue her literary inclinations. Her first book was "Scenes of Clerical Life" in 1858 which was followed by a number of other books (which are extremely famous today) until her death in 1880.. how do we know her better as ?

ANS: This was Mary Ann Evans, George Eliot. She assumed a man's name since women didnt do things like write novels in those victorian days and was looked down upon by the church. A similar situ of a woman taking up a man's name is seen among mathematicians too. Leblanc, I know was actually a woman.

5. Identify where this quote comes from : "Letting 'I dare not' wait upon 'I would', Like the poor cat i' the adage"
Clue: this is one of the favourite quotes of Jeeves.

ANS: MACBETH (Act 1, Scene 7)

Was the hope drunk
Wherein you dress'd yourself? hath it slept since?
And wakes it now, to look so green and pale
At what it did so freely? From this time
Such I account thy love. Art thou afeard
To be the same in thine own act and valour
As thou art in desire? Wouldst thou have that
Which thou esteem'st the ornament of life,
And live a coward in thine own esteem,
Letting 'I dare not' wait upon 'I would,'
Like the poor cat i' the adage?

6. Can you give me Bertie Wooster's middle name ?


7. Hindu mythology. Known as Praachetasa, by virtue of being the son of Prachetasa, this man led a life of a hunter in his early life and a hermit later on. What do we know him as and why so?

"Valmikaath Jaatah Valmiki" read as " one born out of an anthill is an anthilla ;-) "

8. Another PGWodehouse question. Apart from his school book stories, PGWodehouse has written only two other books which do not contain any important female character. (there may be maids or inconsequential characters tho, but no lead female character ). Name the two books.

incidentally PSMITH was wodehouse's personal favourite character. PSMITH is introduced into novels in Mike &Psmith. But that is still a school book story. the third PSMITH novel LEAVE IT TO PSMITH is when PSMITH marries EVE HALLIDAY and gets a position as the secretary to lord Emsworth. wodehouse once said, that he didnt want to make a saga out of psmith and so he stopped at that happy ending of psmith's marriage.

9. This man was the man who lived the longest time ever according to the Bible. Name him.


10. This constituency in India had traditionally been a Congress seat. Once in 1970's when Indira Gandhi lost her elections after the emergency fiasco, this constituency went to BJP. after that it was back to congress until this elections when BJP triumphed here a fortnight ago. Name the constituency.


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