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Genealogy Community


Links by Treva

Links by Treva

Click here: peter

Click here: Send this hug to all your friends

Click here: easter1

Click here: My Cyber Friend

Click here: animagic

Click here: AOL Instant Messenger

Click here: Love can build a Bridge

Site to See~~~There is a pair of Peregrine falcons that are in a nesting box on top of the

Kodak Office, in downtown Rochester. A digital camera is sending up-dated pictures to the Kodak website once every minute.

KODAK: Birdcam 1999

This is an interesting site. Put your birthdate in and find the top

headlines, most popular songs, prices of houses, cars, gas, bread, postage,

income etc. when you were born

Click here: dMarie Time Capsule

Click here: Technology News from Wired News

Click here: My On-Line Friend

Click here: A New "YOU"


Click here: JUST A MOM?

Click here: Promise you won't forget about me!

Click here: I was thinkin' of ya

Click here: A Friendship Hug!

Click here: Dream A Little Dream

Click here: Complacency

Click here: Hey, How Are You ?

Click here: Joey Green

Click here: Complacency

Click here: You are my Friend! Forward it on to all you friends, too!

Click here: coffee!!!!!!!!!!!

Dan, this sounds like you. Treva

Click here: A Great Man

Click here:

Click here: Taking People for Granted?

To all my friends & relatives

This site has several sites to check for virus and hoax.

When you start reading, it looks like a repeat of all we already know;

but, please go to the bottom of the page for the links we need to cull the truth.


Click here: Phoenix Search For Truth, Virus and Hoax

Click here: FreeShop - Free samples, trial issues, demos,
coupons, catalogs, trial periods, and product information.

Click here: A SAD DAY

Click here: You have been struck by lightning

Click here: Happy

Click here: Warriors. (Page 1)

Click here: A typical day at your computer

Click here: A Mother's Prayer

Click here: Hugs To You! Pass these hugs to your friends, too!

Click here: is the best place to find freebies, freeware, free stuff, samples, games

Dan, you and your wife might like this site


Click here: A Shelter in the Storm - A place of support for those who suffer from chronic pain and/or illness.

Dan, this expresses the way I feel about you more than any words of mine.


Click here: I HOPE

Click here:

Click here: Morning

Click here: Eye Care Tips: Using Your Eyes and Your Computer

Click here: The World At Our Fingers FOREST MOUTAIN

Click here: Welcome to LIVE! ECLIPSE Website

Hey, this is really a cool site. I found my high school in it and

registered my name...just thought I would pass this on..maybe you can

find yours or register it and start getting people to register with it.

Find your school?

Dan - This says it all.


Click here: away

Some people take
Some People Give !
We Love You Treva !!
You Give us so much !!
