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Genealogy Community

Presents the mail discussion lists

A mail list is an on going discussion about the surname of the list . You will receive every message sent to the list in mail mode
-L-is mail mode.
You will receive multiple messages in one message in Digest mode
-D-is digest

Use the logo's they are prewrittin
click and send, thats all there is to it !

When you click the logo you will see SUBSCRIBE or UNSUBSCRIBE already in the Subject line
Use them as is, if you DO NOT see the action in the subject line already
then put it in there !!
DO not add any message or Signature files, NO V-Cards!!



Click to subscribe to MatneyForum

Click above to join our MATNEY & Relations mail list

Follow the lead to subscribe .
This list accepts HTML and attachments.
You will receive a conformation in a few minutes .

Click to unsubscribe from MatneyForum

Click above to leave our MATNEY & Relations mail list

Just send the message its preset
Hope you plan to return

MATTINGLY mail list


APPLEGATE mail list

CROCKETT mail list

SHORTRIDGE mail list

McCULLEY mail list

WEBB mail list

Cherokee Cultures

CherokeeGene mail list Genealogy Only

Klamath Co,Oregon US GEN WEB County Mail list

Please let me know if any links don't work

Email: Webmaster