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Please proof read these for corrections and e-mail me direct , when its all done I will enter it in the seach engines.
When its done I will activate the e-mail address's and links !

From: Theresa Frankum

Date: Tuesday, May 04, 1999

From: Ginny Stencel

Date: Tuesday, May 04, 1999

My Webb line:

Ginny Stencel

From: Mary

Date: Tuesday, May 04, 1999

My Webb line is almost funny since I have so little and cannot find more.

my mother:Helen Louise Webb -1909-1989 born in Polk Co. GA

My grandmother:Ada Maxwell Webb- married Arthur Henry Webb in Carroll Co. Ga in 1907 divorced in Haralson Co. Ga in 1913.

Have very strong reason to believe that I am related to an JW Webb and a JL

Webb from the Carroll Co or Coweta Co Ga area.

Not much to go on I know but I keep on looking and hoping.

Mary McWhorter Wyatt , Birmingham, AL

From: Zandra

Date: Tuesday, May 04, 1999

Here is my other one


From: Zandra Renee PEARSON

Date: Tuesday, May 04, 1999

Are there any other researchers of WEBB's of Edmonson Co. out here?



From: Nancy Wood

Date: Tuesday, May 04, 1999

My line

Webbs Page #3

