Mother Eagle, one day, laid an egg in the nest of old mother hen.  And so when Little Eagle was born, she believed herself a chicken, and not an eagle at all.  She would strut about the chicken pen after mother hen, scratching for works, pecking playfully at her brothers and sisters, and at night nestling under the old hen's wing to sleep.

One day, though, Little Eagle looked up into the sky, and saw the great wings of an eagle - outstretched, soaring.  "How wonderful it would be to fly like that!" she thought.  

For a moment, she spread her wings,
felt the rush of the wind,
her feet lifting off the ground,
her eyes turned to the sun -

Then she fell back to earth.  "How stupid of me," she thought.  "I am only a chicken, after all."

I could hide in dark corners forever, crippled, like a bird with broken wings...


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