I was nobody.

I walked through each day in a fog.  I tried to tell the doctor, but she didn't understand.  And it doesn't sound so bad, does it, walking in a fog?  Maybe a little cold, a little hard to see your way, but not so bad really?

And yet it is the worst thing.  I was not just in a fog, I was dissolving in the fog.  There were no walls between me and nonexistence any more.

Inside was dead.  I no longer felt or thought or understood.  I did as I was told, and if nobody told me anything I sat as if dead.

Sobbing save me...

help me...


I dissolved into nothing, into less than nothing.  I thought that it was all gone.  And yet, in the depths of despair, in the moment when I thought I was losing my self...there I found some stirring of life.  

Something - someone - I could not name.  Emerging through the fog, speaking in a familiar voice - the face of a stranger inside me.  I recognised her at once, this other self.  Although she terrified me, I knew her as friend, as protector.  She whispered to me, "hang on...for all of us, hang on."  

I held on - her presence making me something more than nothing.

I held on.

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