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Just a few autos offered by some "Southern Oregon" individuals.
I simply handle things for them on-line and off-line!
Everything is negotiable! You can Click "most any" title for that items picture.

Fixer-Upper Pick-ups ...,
Click Picturered

A '49 Studebaker Pickups, one with a smooth, but rusted body (and no engine) sits in the yard can be had for $400.

Another '50 Studie Pickup with engine for $600.

The best of three is on a ranch with a man who rebuids 'em. It runs good and is a 6-cylinder "Flat-Head" w/3speed on the column, listed at $1000.

Come and get 'em in Brookings, Oregon. ALL TERMS NEGOTIABLE.For more info,
Tom: (541) 412-7170 ...or:
I'll even give you the phone # of the owners! ****************************************************************************

1967...,Red- Hot Rod Camaro
hotrod thumbnail
Click here.

This "classic" is owned by my brother near Sacramento, California and has so much detail, you'll want to talk with 'em.
This car has been in several Hot Rod Magazines and is 'cherry'.
You can get ahold of me, Tom: (541) 412-7170 ... and I will put you in touch with his "Car-smart" son who knows ALL the details about this car. This is a $18,000 beauty!
How about a Ten-Wheeler Dump Truck for $15,000.

A 1981 Western Star

10-Speed w/"Cummons Power" 375 HP runs excellently. Has passed California DOT Standards
Tires are 1122-5 tubed radials w/90%meat on front, 70% on rear, and 2 spares included.

front of Dump Truck; click the picture for a close up.... back of Dump Truck; click the picture for a close up....
Click the pictures for a larger view.

Price is firm!
Owner is Ray in Southern Oregon at (541) 469-8081

Thank You

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you could have won the GRAND PRIZE ...,CASH, FREEDOM, LOVE..., Life Eternal
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NOTICE: Geneticists have determined, that if your parents didn't have any children, neither will you!