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A Very Unique & Incredible
Liquidation Sale

Attention Entrepeneurs, Organizations & Investors!


Below are a couple of really good investments for this day and age, especially with the digital and cyber-potential to create a "lending library" from the fantabulous Sheet Music Collection, shown below on the banner...,just click it.
Then come "BACK" and check out the bonus of several magnificent stringed instruments (a 1799 German violin and an 1825 Italian, as well as a viola worth thousands of dollars), as they still don't 'sweeten the pot' like this latest offering:

The owner will throw in his home...,

Yes, an 1800 square foot house with outbuildings in Medford, Oregon (big real estate boom goin on) to entice someone with the resources to realize this phenomenal deal.
All for the price of the Sheet Music Collection (valued at $1,000,000.)

Buyer takes all for less than a third of that , because owner is anxious to retire to the coast!!!
I get a commision if I find a buyer and I'll give a commission from mine as a "finder's fee".

Ya gotta read the deal at the Sheet Music Library for sale which has the price at the end,so as to find only 'truly interested' buyers.
Contact representative:Tom Tanzi in Brookings OR at: 541-412-7170 or...
Bookmark and Click:

Create a Business On-line ................................... Rare & Precious Strings
250,000+ Titles/Collectibles back to 1806! .......................... Antiques thatPlay Beautifully!


Or, click here to: Tommy's other "kewl stuff" Page!
{{Includes: Gifts & Collectibles }}
Thank You

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Just think: had you been just the very "next visitor",
you could have won the GRAND PRIZE ...,CASH, FREEDOM, LOVE..., Life Eternal
the choice of whomever hit the 'big ZERO'!

Copyright © May of 2000 by tommy. All rights reserved. Wanta see some of my original artworks or poems?
NOTICE: Geneticists have determined, that if your parents didn't have any children, neither will you!