Appraised and insured for many thousands of dollars, this unique piece touches the heart as soon as you see it! It is fittingly housed on the coast of Southern Oregon where it has been preserved in original condition. Further appraisal is under way. A true "collectors' item"..., one of a kind museum piece.
Currently asking for PRICE INPUT from reputable sources!
All & Any input is welcome as this lovely piece
continuously increases in value with more personal interest. Let us know what you have found concerning
the desire for this particular artist's craftmanship!
These photos were taken with a "disposable" camera,
however, 'digitals' are available.
Contact: Tom Tanzi at: (541) 412-7170
Switch to a model of the "Wells Fargo Overland Stagecoach"
Switch to Joseph Hornsteiner II Violin
Diamonds & Gems at Great Prices
A Good Connection
An Invitation
To Information about the offering of a
World-Class Sheet Music
being offered For Sale!
It' fascinating!