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The Characters


Here are the Sailor Moon CH characters, a guide to all the good guys and the bad ones, too. I also have a pic of Sailor Phobos drawn by the talented Sailor Mira, whom I thank with all my heart.

Good Guys (and Gals)

The Inner Sailor Scouts: Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter. You know, the Sailor Scouts! These aren't mine (sadly.) Toei, Naoko Takeuchi, DiC, Mixx, and Pioneer own them. (Sailor Toei, Sailor Takeuchi, Sailor DiC, Sailor Mixx, Sailor Pioneer... how would that work?)

Sailor Phobos: Ahhh! This character I do own, and should be only used with my permission. She's the new scout on the block and is extremely fast. Cansey Ulpix, Sailor Phobos' alter ego, used to be working for the bad guys, but she got turned around and noticed her destiny while living in the forests of Japan. Here's a pic by Sailor Mira.

Dark Flare: A Knight whose identity is unknown, wielding a staff and wearing blessed armor... read the fics to learn more about this character! I also own Dark Flare, so please ask for permission if you think to use Dark Flare in any of your work.

Tuxedo Mask: He makes a bit part in this fic. Tuxedo Mask isn't owned by me... sigh... he's soooo dreamy...

The Bad Guys

All of the Bad Guys belong to me, so please ask permession before using them. Thanks!

Shandoni: The clueless bad dude, he's pretty much invulnerable and enjoys sending wave after wave of monster at our hapless heroes. Just when you think he's gone, he comes back as...

The Dark Reincarnation: Bad bad bad... Shandoni's been twisted by his evil and is stronger than ever, as well as more determined than ever to destroy the Sailor Scouts and his "apprentice."

Flare: Flare's bad news, but he's got a hidden past. Flare has a more intelligent strategy and enjoys attacks en masse. He may be evil, but he really does have a heart of gold.
