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This is my spot for introducing you to

my family and friends. I have here

links to some of their homepages.

My husband and I

This is a link to my husband's homepage, he has worked very hard on it and I think he is doing a wonderful job. He is a very creative person and has many hobbies. He constructs minature furniture from pictures in old cataloges and we have some photographs of them on his minature page. He would like to get in touch with others that share this hobby. He has another site that is devoted to sports, with links to all the major teams. Visit this site and spend hours browsing through the different links.

Husband's Homepage

Meet my daughter, Kelly,and take a peek at her homepage. She loves Winnie the Pooh and all his friends. Kelly is a normal nineteen year old girl, she loves to visit in the chat rooms and on the telephone. Right now her intrests are track and field, swimming, clothes, music and BOYS. Real normal. Her dad and I think she has done a nice homepage. She would love for you to stop in and have a look.

Kelly's Homepage

This is my son Philip. He is the family fisherman. We live near the Sacramento and the American rivers so he can be found there just about anytime he is not working. Fortunatly he cleans what he catches. He is also an avid golfer, and he shoots in the low 90's. Visit his homepage.

Phil's Homepage

I would like to have you meet some of my friends. Most of them I met in Parenting-Teenagers chat room. It seems like after knowing them a few months I have known them all my life, although I had never met them in person.

I met Beth several years ago and she is more like a sister to me than a friend. We have shared so many good times and a few bad ones, just as sisters would do, and she has always been there for me. I look forward to meeting Beth and her family this year when they make the trip to the west coast. Meet Beth on her homepage Drop her a line and let her know you stopped by.

She is a great buddy that I met thru Janspeak. Thank you Jan. Patti sends the best sites and is always willing to help find anything I need. She and her husband are very talented and have a CD out. This woman is constantly busy, but always ready to come to anyone's aid. She has three wonderful sites that you can visit. Her CD site:
Her site where she helps folks find songs and music that they need:
Her rainbow site and a place to meet Patti:

She is the person who formed our poohland chat room for late night chatters. She has been my inspiration in doing my own home page and is always willing to help when needed. I think that she and her five little poohs have a very interesting homepage.

My friend the dental hygienist and worlds greatest soccer player. A real nice gal, she lives in Danville, Ca. with her teenager daughter. Visit her homepage and learn lots of things that will make your smile much brighter.

She is another chat buddy from poohland and parenting-teenagers. Marilee is one of the first people that I met when I got my webtv. She calls herself the "Wicked Witch of Kansas", I think she is more like Guinda, the good witch. She can be found in parenting-teenages on most afternoons. Marilee's interest besides her family is horses and exotic birds. If you see her in chat say hi, she is a wonderful chat buddy. She has just got her homepage started, this will take you to her homepage.

Thomas Shock (aka: shockmeman):
This guy is indescribible. Shock is our room joker, our confidant,our defender, our big brother or shoulder to cry on and first and foremost our best buddy. I met shock in parenting-teenagers chat room right after I got my webtv. This is one friendly guy and he is always willing to help newbies. Visit his talk cityhomepage .

I meet mommapiggy in parenting-teenagers chat.This terrific lady lives in Indiana. She is a outgoing, friendly lady, and always has a warm welcome for everyone. She is also a great explorer and has sent me many useful sites. She is always willing to share what she has found. Momma is into crafts and flowers and her webtv. Her and hubby raise pigs, she has lots of cute piggy things, gifs, jokes, etc. Drop by her homepage and meet this wonderful lady.

My Hawaiian chat buddy. She lives on the beautiful island of Oahu with her husband Alex and their three children. Tooth is a dental assisitant, thus the name. Tooth and I have spent many hours chatting and arguing about the weather (who has the nicer weather). I have become very close to this wonderful gal and always look for her when I'm on line. If you meet up with her say hi, she is a warm, wonderful gal to chat with. She can be found in parenting-teenagers and poohland most evenings.

Simmo is an Australian guy with a quick wit and a great sense of humor. He keeps all of us on our toes, we never know what to expect next from him. He lives in Melbourne with his wife and two teens. He is a terrfic guy and a great buddy. Pay a visit to his homepage and meet his wonderful family. His son Dyson has a homepage, a fantastic site.

This guy taught me so many things when I first got my webtv. He loves to explore and has sent me so many interesting sites and when I need a site, he is the first person I go to for help. Dad also organizes great virtual trips. I want to thank him for all the sites he has sent me. and for the joke of the day and the quote of the day.

She is a compassionate and caring friend. with a cute sense of humor. Scamp lives in California also. I met her in parenting-teenagers chat room. Scamp and I have spent a lot of fun evenings chatting away the night and going on virtual trips. She is one of the original Poohlanders.