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Come visit some of my favorite sites. Places I visit and really enjoy browsing through.

Minimans Mole Hole

This is my number one favorite site. My husband has put a lot of work into this site and has free gifs, backgrounds, midis, wavs, pictures, minature furniture and paintings. Visit his site and use anything you want. It is made especially for webtv users.

The Tipping Page

One of my favorites, mainly because I'm a waitress. I've seen it all. This should be required reading for everyone that ever eats out. Most of this has happened to a waitress at one time or another.Very enlightning and funny site.

AngelWinks Heavenly Post Card Shoppe

A fantastic site, everything is here for your email card needs. This site has the prettiest cards that I have seen on the web. I found this site when I first got my webtv. and I still find it awe inspiring. Stop by and have a look, I'm sure you will agree.