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Get Your Revenge

I recently got burned and found creative ways to get back at the person. 
If youve been burned and want revenge, consider the following:

1) Send them subscriptions to all the cd and magazine clubs. 2) send away the reply forms you get in the mail for educational programs etc. Those 'learn at home' people keep following up for three years! 3) save those reply forms for magazine subscriptions, order ten subscriptions for your favorite pal. 4) enter their email address everywhere you can on the net, theyll be sure to get unsolicited mail for the rest of time and wont be able to block it. 5)Use the reverse 411 links to find out their phone number. Give them a call... collect. 6)Order them various forms of merchandise over the net, some companies dont require a credit card to place an order, I'll let you find these companies yourself. 7) go the conventional way and post their stats on your site, and message boards. 8) if your a hacker, wreck their site. 9) or try the following links for email abuse. (email me if you have other ideas i can add)

Abusive Cards Directory
Abusive Anonymous Email
Send Anonymous email of your creation
Revenge Central: This site is really good (just be careful...)

Find a phone # from a USA address
Find a phone # from a CANADA address All sorts of searches, international