Things you'll never hear PR characters say....

Elgar - My head.... so obscene....

TJ - Freakin' alien.... I was leader first.... stupid haircut....

Lothor - Mexican Wrestler? Whu?

Hunter and Blake - Lothor gave us cookies to be evil!

Cam - Pikachu, I choose; oh, wrong show, sorry....

Maya - I swear Kendrix, if you pull that football out from under me again....

Sensei - CAM! What did we agree about mousetraps?!

Karone - You know, pink really isn't my colour....

Magna Defender: I'm feeling a little horny.

Billy: Oh please, you really thought I could make us all grow up again with a piggy bank?

Astronema: Ack - I can't attack the Rangers today; I have nothing to wear!

Ms. Fairweather: Oh my god, if I don't find some more old Ranger tech to steal, I'll be finished! My secret will be out!

Rocky: Food? No thanks, I'm not hungry.

Capt Mitchell: Well, once my WWF contract as Sgt. Slaughter ran out, I had to find something else to do, and ordering spandex clad teens around is always fun I guess.

Ninjor: Oh, hi Goku. No, I. I. don't know anything about your flying cloud. Never seen Nimbus. Definitely haven't got him trapped in my garage.

Turbo Ranger: Hello? Lightspeed? We'd like our Zords back. NOW.

Tanya: I don't care if you're my parents or not, just get me away from the freaky floating head!

Rocky: OK, who let one in the Megazord cockpit?

Tommy: How about giving me the Sword of Power, or another weapon that won't be seen after this adventure.

Kat & Tanya: Hmm, I see the designers had a creativity loss when they came up with our Zeo Zords.

Carlos: I may only be human, but I'm also the Pink Ranger! Wait! I meant Black! Black Ranger! Black!

Karone: Well Andros, at least we never kissed each other, like another couple of Sci-Fi siblings. Not naming names of course.

Chad: Huh? You mean I actually GET to say something?

Galaxy Rangers: Doesn't this constitute animal abuse?

Blue Senturion: Prowl rip-off, roll out!

King Mondo: Hey, Machina, you wanna go. oil our gears?

Psycho Rangers: There's no way we can lose - our costumes are way cooler!

Kendrix: They are NOT radio antennae - they're part of the Wildcat theme to my helmet!

Alpha: I'm on the show from day one, and do I get any fan mail?

Zordon: Oh, wait there's a fourth rule. All female Rangers have to wear short skirts and bend over a lot. Umm, yeah, that's it.

Rocky: Well, it was either break my back, or dress up as a 13-year old for plot purposes.

Ms. Fairweather: My crew and I have been working around the clock to come up with some more refurbished Ranger tech.

Ms. Fairweather: Joel, if only you'd lose the dumb hat, you'd be perfect for me.

Carter: Lightning Fire Tamer! I mean.

Vypra: Oh my god! You killed Magamvore - you b*st*rds!

Next Year's Cast: I know we're getting desperate for new Zord designs, but. <sigh.> Large Fuzzy Squirrel Zord Power, NOW!

Zack: Hip-hop Kido? What was I thinking?

Joel: That's weird. I can't find any mention of Lightspeed Regulation 322.1. That bitch!

Turbo Rangers: Fairweather - you got some 'splaining to do!

Kelsey: NO! My headphones! That's it Vypra - you're going down!

Kim: Eeew. someone flush that tube thingy - look at the size of that floater! Gross!

Billy: I've been lucky so far. no-one's noticed that all my girlfriends vanish after one or two appearances.

Zhane: **Yawn** What a refreshing stasis sleep.

Lightspeed Rangers: So Fairweather can copy the GoGoV suits, but she can't make the helmets all funky and transparent?

Blue Senturion: Signalman? You've got to be kidding me.

Dinozords: Megazord sequence has not been initiated. A fatal exception error occurred in sector 0000ED-000241. It is recommended that you close all programs and restart your Dinozord.

Alpha: Of course I'm Y2K com-000101110110100011001010010*** <boom!>

Billy: Wow, this plasma screen TV would be really impressive if I could tune out this program with the giant floating head.

Billy, Rocky, Justin, TJ, Kai and Chad: <Singing Aerosmith> I feel like the color BLUUU-UUE!!

Auric: I can't let them know I'm from Brooklyn and the accents faked.

Tommy: You know, I don't want to be a Ranger all my life - at some point, I want to DANCE!

Alpha: Inside this cold, hard robot head, I'm really a soft fleshy woman, and I'm in love with Kai! <You'll only get that if you've seen season 3 of Lexx>

Dimitria: Would you look at the state of this Plasma Tube? It looks like no-one's cleaned it out in 10,000 years!

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