You Know You Need A Power Upgrade When.

.your Megazord Saber fails to cut the mustard. Literally.

.you have worn patches on you spandex before battles.

.your Megazord is coming into battle on a Power Zimmer frame.

.you're losing to monsters based on wet paper bags.

.the MotW has gone for coffe while you wait for your Megazord to boot up.

.the only thing you can use your Zeo Crystal for is costume jewelry.

.your in-zord stereo still has an 8-track player.

.you can only get $30 on your Turbo Zord when you try to trade it in.

.your Zord scares monster off by offering to tell it about the 'good old days'.

.you call for your Zord and have to sign the release form at the home.

.Zedd doesn't bother wasting Super-Putties on you - he just throws lumps of clay in your general direction.

.your group Power Blaster is made from Lego.

.your Falconzord has laid eggs.