:: SITE UPDATE : Updating to 5.5, please excuse the schnasty construction during this period. 05.05.01
:: NEWS | SCHEDULE UPDATE : New scheduled show at the Noise Attic,08.04.01 : in Riverside. 07.16.01
:: NEWS | SCHEDULE UPDATE : New show is in the works at the Glasshouse,sometime in August : in Pomona. 07.13.01
:: NEWS | RECORDING : Be on the lookout for the new 7 song LPto be recorded in the near future 07.13.01
:: MAILING LIST | EMAIL UPDATE : Many of the email addresses have been bouncing, i.e. I have been getting them back. If you once were on the mailing list, but did not receive an email regarding either the last Roxy show or the Whiskey, you might want to consider re-signing up. And to make life easy... 06.11.01
:: MAILING LIST : Interested in the band? Wanna know when all the shows are going down? Sign up for updates and show info at the goods. 04.23.01
:: NEWS | RELEASES : Growing April is still available, check thethe goods for more info. 04.02.01
08.04.01 :: Noise Attic, Riverside
*August :: The Glasshouse, Pomona
*note :: dates are not final
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