Chapter Nine

By Suzy

When Lou returned with Doc Barnes in tow, they left Kid to pace on the porch and worry about his friends. They had only been back a short time when a worried Thomkins walked over from his store, the town's gossip mill apparently working overtime.

'The townsfolk say that Jennifer is here. Is that true?' he asked his face pale Kid nodded.

'Did the Indian find her?' he asked.

'He's going to be your son in law Thomkins, maybe you might like to learn his name.'

'Where is he?' Thomkins asked softly 'I'd like to thank him.'

'He's unconscious inside. He was shot while he was saving Jenny from a war party. He didn't stop to worry about himself, he near bled to death, making sure he got her home.' Kid railed against the town's storekeeper.

'How is my daughter?' he seemed almost afraid to ask.

'She's been beaten, and I think she has a knife wound, but she was in better physical shape than Buck.' he explained.

'Has he spoken to her about what I said?' Thompkins asked sadly.

'She's been unconscious since he rescued her.' Kid stated flatly.

'I want to thank you for all you've done Kid. I don't know how I can ever repay you.' Thompkins extended his hand to Kid. Kid paused for a moment then took his hand shaking it firmly.

'You can give their marriage your blessing and try to treat Buck like the person he is, not the skin colour you see. Then I think that we can call it quits.' Kid spoke softly knowing that that was all that he wanted in return.

'I'll try Kid, but years of hatred and loathing will be hard to change, but for my daughter's happiness I will put aside my feelings.' Thomkins spoke sincerely.

'I'm sure that's all Buck would ask. Kid replied watching Jimmy ride into the station 'How is she?' he called.

'Doc's with her now. Where's Cody?' Kid answered as Jimmy climbed from his horses back and looped his reins around the hitching rail.

'He and his detachment have gone back to the Army camp. Where's Buck?' Jimmy asked looking for his friend frowning at the dried blood caking on the side of Buck's horse which still stood beside Katie at the hitching rail.

'He was shot in the leg. It went clean through, but he lost a lot of blood' Kid explained.

'Damn.' Jimmy shook his head looking pointedly at Thomkins.

'Hickok,' Thomkins inclined his head then turning back to Kid he spoke again 'I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable Kid, can you send word over to me when I can see Jenny,' he paused. 'And Buck of course. I want him to know how grateful I am for finding her for me' he started to walk down the stairs when Kid stopped him.

'Thomkins, Bill, listen to me for a minute.' Kid started awkwardly 'Buck is family to us, Jenny will be family to us to when they marry. That makes you family too, surely we can all wait here. You're as welcome here as any of us, Jenny is your daughter, we can't chase you away from that' he finished as the doctor came out of the bunkhouse, closely followed by Lou who crossed directly to Kid's side and burrowed against his side, her arms around his waist.

'How are they Doc?' Thomkins asked.

'I think they'll both be fine, Jenny has had a nasty bump on the head, as well as some facial bruising, she also has a shallow knife wound on one shoulder, but is she wakes up within the next couple of days she should be fine. The Indian has a nasty bullet wound, but with Louise's help, I've stitched him up, he'd lost a lot of blood but we'll soon see if it was too much, but I think with a lot of rest he'll be fine as well. He'll have a nasty scar to tell his friends about.'

'Can I talk to them?' Thomkins asked.

'I'm afraid they're both still unconscious at the moment. I will check back on them later.' Doc Barnes placed his hat on his head and walked down the stairs and back towards his office.

'Can I go in and see her?' Thomkins asked.

No-one spoke but Lou nodded her head emphatically. Thomkins opened the bunkhouse door and walked inside. He crossed to his daughter's bedside and dropped to one knee, a strangled moan on his lips. His bottom lip quivering he gently stroked her fine blonde hair from her face.

'I'm sorry Jennifer, so sorry.' he abruptly stood and walked from the room, not stopping to talk to the others, left stunned on the porch.

'He's so upset.' Lou murmured into Kid's chest.

'Yeah and this could all have been avoided if he had not been so bigoted in the first place' Jimmy spoke his dislike of Thompkins evident in his voice.

'But he's changing Jimmy, you can't hold it against him forever.' Lou spoke.

The three of them walked quietly into the bunkhouse. Lou crossed to the restless Buck's side, taking a damp cloth she gently sponged his clammy face, murmuring soothing words of encouragement trying to calm him again.

Jimmy sat on a bench at the table side, whilst Kid stood beside Jenny's bed watching the slight rise and fall of her breathing. Lifting one of her hands, he shook his head noticing the grazing on her knuckles and fingers, the tearing and bleeding of her fingernails 'She fought them so hard, its a wonder she survived at all.' he tenderly placed her hand back on the top of the covers. He shook his head and walked out of the bunkhouse. Lou watched the doorway of the bunkhouse for several moments before following him. She found him where he always went when he was upset. The barn, brushing the other woman in his life, Katie.

'What's up Kid?' she spoke walking up behind him and looping her arms about his waist.

'When is he going to have something go his way?' he spoke his throat clenching convulsively.

'What do you mean?' Lou asked confused.

Kid pulled out of her arms and walked across the stall, leaning on the rails. 'We are the only real friends he has, he is the child of two races but neither will accept him because of the other. Women he has loved were using him because of his mixed blood. His best friend was killed. When he finally finds love and acceptance it lasted for one night' he turned to face Lou 'you saw him at the party, he was ecstatic, I have never seen him so happy. Now this happens. Who knows how it will end. He deserves so much more.' Kid spoke.

'Honey, he will be fine, Jenny will be fine and they will be as happy as we are. You'll see.' she took her husband into her arms. He held her tightly, knowing that despite their initial problems they were lucky to have each other and the happy times they had all shared.

Walking arm in arm back to the bunkhouse they were met at the door by a smiling Jimmy.

'What are you smiling at?' Lou asked him as they walked up the steps.

'All's not quiet in the bunkhouse.' he watched as Lou began to look alarmed 'Buck's awake.' he smiled as he watched the two of them almost run into the bunkhouse.

On to Chapter Ten

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