Chapter Three

By James

Quickly Louise made her way over to the gunfighter. Now that she knew who Callahan was, it was necessary to tell her companion. “Hey there handsome,” Louise stated as she slid between Jimmy and a saloon girl that had planted herself by his side. In order to chase the other woman away, Lou leaned close to Jimmy and ran her fingers through his hair. Her stunt worked, and Jimmy’s admirer left. Once they were alone, Lou informed Jimmy about her new discovery.

“Excuse me,” Marcus Callahan stated as he arrived at Cody’s crowded poker table. “May I join you, gentlemen?” None of the men objected. Who would dare? Most of the men at the table recognized Callahan, and knew better then to defy him. “Allow me to introduce myself,” Marcus stated to Cody. “I’m Marcus Callahan.”

“William F. Cody,” the undercover express rider informed him. Quickly the two men shook hands, taking secret notes of each other. Unexpectedly, Marcus turned and signaled a young woman across the room to join them.

“Mabel, I would like you to meet Mr. Cody,” Marcus said as he gestured toward his new acquaintance. “Why don’t you give him the pleasure of your company?” Immediately, the young woman with a very curvy figure sank into Cody’s lap.

“It’s real nice to meet you Mabel,” Cody said as he looked the beauty over. She had blonde hair with soft brown eyes. The young lady was a real attention grabber.

“So Mr. Cody,” Marcus began after the cards were dealt. “What brings you to Needle Rock?”

“Business,” Cody replied simply. Mabel began running her fingers through his hair, making herself quite comfortable on his lap.

“What type of business would that be, Mr. Cody?”

“The money making kind,” Cody stated as he turned his attention away from the lass that was growing more and more friendly. Suddenly her demeanor changed when she noticed the gunfighter come up behind Cody. “This is one of my associates,” Cody informed them as he pointed back at Jimmy. “James, meet Mr. Callahan.”

“Nice to meet you,” Jimmy said politely to their target.

“Same here,” Mr. Callahan declared as he noticed the navy colts that clung to the man’s waist. He had a good idea of what Jame’s position was. Marcus was starting to like this stranger already. His interest grew when he saw the beauty he had met early come stand beside her boss. The displeasure she took seeing Mabel sitting comfortably in Mr. Cody’s lap was obvious, and Marcus couldn’t help but chuckle softly.

“Louise,” Cody said gently to the lady by his side. “Meet Mr. Callahan.”

“We’ve already met,” Louise replied quickly.

“Is that so?” Cody asked as he glanced curiously at the con man.

“Yes, I believe we have,” Callahan said with his usual arrogance barely hidden in his words. “A lovely woman Miss Louise is.”

“That’s one of the reasons I keep her around.” Cody was playing his character well. He kept his answers short to create a mystery, and he could easily display the same arrogance Marcus did. He instantly spied attraction Marcus had for Lou. Gently, Cody encouraged Mabel to remove herself from his lap. “Well,” Cody began as he rose to his feet. “It’s been a pleasure meeting you, Mr. Callahan.”

“Leaving already? The night’s still young,” Marcus remarked.

“There are other things I like to do at night besides play cards,” Cody informed him with an arrogant grin. Without hesitation Cody slipped his arm around Lou’s waist, and pulled her close. “Sugar, say goodnight to the gentleman.”

“Night,” Lou called with a giggle as Cody guided her out of the saloon. Jimmy was close on their heels, grateful things had gone so well. Marcus had definitely taken a strong interest in Cody. Jimmy also noticed the looks Callahan was throwing Lou, and he didn’t like it. He had a feeling Lou was in more danger than she realized.

“Explain to me why I keep you around?” Marcus demanded of Mabel. She had failed to serve her purpose as a distraction for Mr. Cody. “You’re useless Mabel.”

“I’m sorry Mr. Callahan,” Mabel cried. “I tried...”

“Oh, well that makes everything all right, doesn’t it?” Marcus said sarcastically. He was furious with the woman next to him. Mabel was one of his ‘working girls’, and normally very good at her job. However, tonight she had failed to get him what he wanted. What Marcus wanted was not only for Mabel to entice Cody up to her room to discover more about him, but also to make Louise available for the night. Cody’s lovely companion had spunk, he could tell. Her spit-fire ways shined through during their first encounter, though she had tried to hide them. To have a woman like that was one of Callahan’s many ambitions. He was sure he’d get a second chance at her. Marcus had a feeling his new found acquaintances would be in town for a while. They were here for a reason, and he was determined to discover what that reason was.

Rise and Shine

Early the next morning, Jimmy and Louise ventured around town looking for a few more dresses for her to wear. Cody was still sleeping peacefully when they left, so his friends left him a note promising to be back in an hour. Jimmy tried to place a five dollar bet that Cody wouldn’t be up by then, but Lou was smart enough to decline. Only a fool would except that bet.

“Let’s go find me a dress,” Lou stated as they headed down stairs. The two dresses she had brought didn’t quite fit her role. Still, she couldn’t wear the same attire night after night. Presently she wore the blue dress Jimmy had given her. Despite the risks Lou was taking playing Cody’s girl, Lou was enjoying her stay so far. It was one of the few times she got to dress like a lady. Jimmy had come along to keep her safe, so she was able to get a second opinion on the outfits she looked at.

Finally she found one she liked. It was very similar to the one she had worn the night before, except the material was velvet. The dress was a deep forest green with a low neck line. Its thin straps fit comfortable on her shoulders, and it was the perfect length. She couldn’t wait to wear it later that night. The accessories that she had for the other dress would go well with this one also.

“Do you want to wear it now?” The dress maker inquired. Usually, the naughtier girls did.

“No,” Louise answered. “Why don’t you wrap it for me?”

“Certainly,” the woman answered. As the riders exited the shop, Lou could sense Jimmy had something on his mind. “Spit it out,” she encouraged. Jimmy was so distracted by his thoughts, that he had barely paid any attention to the dresses she showed him all morning.

“Just thinking,” Jimmy answered. He didn’t want to admit that he was worried about her. Lou always got mad at Kid when he gave her lectures about taking care of herself.


“Our new acquaintance,” Jimmy said reluctantly. His answer was partially true.

“I don’t like the way he looks at me.” She was almost certain Jimmy was having the same thoughts. Lou suspected Jimmy wanted to say something last night about the looks Callahan sent her, but decided against it.

“He seems to have taken an interest in you,” Jimmy commented carefully. He wanted to warn her without telling her taking offense. Jimmy didn’t want her to think that he didn’t have faith in her ability to hold her own.

“I’ll have to keep my guard up,” Lou replied. She was letting Jimmy off the hook. It was really sweet of him trying to secretly protect her.

“Yeah,” Jimmy answered. “We all will.”

“Suppose Cody’s up?” Lou asked. “I’m ready for breakfast.”

“If not, he’ll soon be,” Jimmy declared with mischievous intentions. He would love to return the favors Cody always showed him by disturbing his sleep.

As the riders enter the room Cody had been resting in, they were surprised to find it empty. Their companion was no where to be seen. Resting on the bed was a note Cody had left in response to theirs.


Got the note, and I’ll be back soon. One of Callahan’s men has informed me that the honor of my presence’s is requested at breakfast this morning. I waited as long as I could for you both, but the invitation was for ten.


“Think we should join them?” Lou had a bad feeling. Why did Marcus request this meeting? It was still morning, and Callahan seemed was a night person.

“Couldn’t hurt,” Jimmy replied as he lead the way to the restaurant.

Beginning Arrivals

The Kid had finally arrived in the town of Needle Rock. He was the first of the remaining express crew to enter the town. He had made sure of that. Waiting outside of town was torturous. If he could just see that Lou was all right, he’d feel so much better. As Kid halted Katy in front of the town’s hotel, he got his wish. Out the door wandered the love of his life along with his closest friend. They noticed him also, and Lou gave him a subtle smile to reassure him she was fine. Kid wanted to rush to her side, but he restrained himself. The plan’s success required him to keep his distance. For now, her delicate smile would have to do. As his friends walked off to their destination, Kid went about the tasks of settling in. Soon the others would begin to arrive and join in on this complicated game. Unfortunately, Kid suspected their little game was going to get harder and harder to play.

On to Chapter four.

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