Chapter Two

Kid knew the ride to Sweetwater well. It would take him most of the night riding at top speed. He realized that if he could get going soon he could be there by morning. Mounting Katy, he rode back to their small ranch. Running upstairs he grabbed the few things necessary to begin his trip. Walking over to the dresser he opened the top drawer. Looking down he saw his gun lying next to Lou's. Picking it up he grabbed the spare ammunition that they had kept tucked down in the side. He held his weapon in his hand for a moment, I never wanted to use this again. Now I have no choice. With no hesitation he fastened his gun belt securely around his waist. He stopped for a moment to look at the wedding picture of Lou and himself that sat resting in a small silver frame on the dresser. Taking a deep breath he snatched the few things he had packed he hurried back down the stairs to the always-ready-to-go Katy.

"OK girl, just like old times....we gotta get there fast." Kid spoke to his horse. The tone of his voice seemed to excite her and she let out a soft whinny.

"That's my girl."

In moments the rider and his horse were blazing the sun-setting horizon on their way to Sweetwater.


"We're gunna stop here," was all the man said to Lou as he lowered her off of his horse. It was becoming colder as the sun set and Lou was relieved to finally be off the front of the uncomfortable saddle. She wrapped her arms around herself trying to warm the chills that ran through her body. Being as it had been so hot that day she had only been wearing a lightweight dress, and obviously had had no time to grab a sweater before she was taken away.

"Now would you mind telling me just exactly what's going on"? Lou said in an apparent irritated tone.

"I spose, it won't do no harm." The mysterious man replied. "You are after all the one that's getting us what we want." At that the three other men with him laughed.

"These here men are my brothers. Jed, Greg, and Horace. We call him 'Bud'. My name's Henry." Lou kept her posture stiff and erect, carefully watching each of the men with eagle eyes.

"That still don't answer my question." She stated.

"No, a'course it don't." Jed replied. "We just like kidnapping beautiful women and selling them, after we take what we want that is.....Miss Louise." He winked, and once again the men seemed quite amused with themselves and let out several snickering laughs.

"How'd you know my name"?

"Common knowledge of course. Let's just say we have someone working for us on the 'law side'. He makes it our business to know who's around, and ifn' their worth much." Henry said as he began collecting wood for a fire.

"If it's money you're after, we ain't rich." Lou replied.

"Ah, that's where I hear different." Bud raised his eyebrows and continued, "In fact I hear you've got several connections, including one to that of 'Wild Bill Hickock himself. Now from what I understood, he's doin' quite well for hisself."

"I haven't seen him in a couple of years, and trust me he wouldn't be givin' none of you crooks money just to save me." She knew it was a lie, but she wanted to try and lead them off guard.

"Yeah, we'll see. I know him and that husband of your's were mighty close once. In fact, if my sources are correct, there was a fight between them over you. Funny ain't it, I kinda think it's going to be sweet. Who tries to rescue you first, the famous 'Wild Bill' or that no good saddle pushin' dope you married." Henry chortled.

Lou's eyes pierced right through him. Her jaw clenched and her fists tightened. She tried to muster up all the strength she had not to go after him. It was obvious to her that this man knew where her tender 'spots' were and just how to push them. Nobody talks about Kid like that. With a strained effort she talked herself out of her upsurging anger. Lou stood there facing the man she was growing to hate more and more with each passing moment.


Kid arrived in Sweetwater at the time he thought he would; it was mid-morning and the shops were open. People were going about their way and he noticed that in these few years nothing had really changed around the town. Kid knew he must look horrible to go and approach his friends. His eyes were bloodshot and he was covered in dirt. It was apparent that the worry was wearing him down. He rode up to the old familiar building with the sign that read 'Marshall'. After lowering himself down he tied up Katy and proceeded into the office. Pushing the door open, he stepped inside to see Teaspoon in his old customary position; chair tilted back and hat over the eyes.

"Just set the set the food down right there, Frank." Teaspoon pointed to the desk without looking up.

"I would, but I don't have it, and I ain't Frank."

The voice was immediately recognized and Teaspoon jumped up, "We'll I'll be dipped in molasses. Kid!"

"Hey Teaspoon." Teaspoon walked over and gave him a strong hug and pat on the back.

Teaspoon looked around, "Where's Lou? You two killed each other and divorced?"

"No actually, we're as happy as ever, were happy...." His voice trailed off. "Teaspoon I hate to come to you like this after so long, but I need your help. Lou's been kidnapped."

The hat that had been shading Teaspoon's eyes was now slowly raised as he stared Kid straight in the face. He replied grimly, "You ain't serious."

"I'm afraid I am serious."

"When did this happen"? Teaspoon inquired.

"Yesterday afternoon. I was out working and I went in to check on Lou.

When I got inside she was nowhere to be found. The only sign was one of our towels with blood on it, and an 'X' cut in the corner. I talked to the Marshal Dunn in Rock Creek and he said that was the mark of the Crawford gang. I was hopin' maybe you'd know something about them."

Teaspoon walked over to the window and looked out on the town. He stood in silence for a moment and Kid couldn't help but fear the worst. Finally the still silent figure spoke.

"I've heard of em'. In fact when I was down with the Texas Rangers we ran acrossed them a coupla times. They ain't playin' games Kid. Those men are dangerous."

"That's why I've got to get her back."

"And that's exactly why me and the boys are gunna help you."

"You mean Buck and Jimmy are still in town"? Kid asked.

"A'course. In fact Cody's in town for a while. He just got out of the army and decided to stop here before continuing west. I'll go round em' up, you get freshened up and eat somethin'. You look worse than a drunken cow on New Year's."

Kid couldn't help but smile at his old friend's quips. In spite of the worry, he was starting to feel better just knowing that his friends would help. With a short nod, Kid watched Teaspoon walk out the door and head down the street to the saloon. Turning around he searched for the water basin. Quickly finding it he splashed water on his face and cleaned off the trail dust. After feeling somewhat freshened, he headed out in search of Teaspoon and something to eat.

It wasn't long before Teaspoon had gathered all the boys together and informed them of what was going on.

"Hey Kid!" Jimmy warmly welcomed him and they walked towards each other to exchange a firm hug. Kid wasn't sure how Jimmy would react to seeing him after their last goodbye before the war. Although to Kid, he seemed sincerely happy to see him after all of this time. It was unfortunate that this meeting had to be under such horrible terms.

"How's it going Jimmy"? Kid smiled.

Just about that time Buck and Cody walked over with very similar greetings, and after they were finished they went straight to the point.

"Teaspoon tells us that Lou's been kidnapped." Buck stated.

"Yes, and I am glad that you are so willing to help me bring her back."

With his usual confident stature Cody offered, "We'll bring in those crooks and get her back, don't worry." Although he acted more bold about it, Cody was very concerned about Lou. In the later express days, she and all the others were family to him. There wasn't anything he wouldn't do for any of them.

"Well with the formalities out of the way let's get a move on!" Teaspoon ordered.

Kid went to get Katy, and the other boys went to the stable to get their own horses. Within 30 minutes they had all met on the edge of town and were ready to ride out. Few words were spoken and soon the riders were headed for Texas, the area Teaspoon could only figure the kidnappers would return to....or at least that's where they had gone in the past. These riders always had it well planned. Take your prisoner back to Texas, send a ransom, and be close enough to Mexico ifn something goes wrong and you need to leave the country. Teaspoon prayed that these men had stayed with their usual pattern, because if they didn't he wasn't sure what would happen to Lou.

Chapter Three

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