Chapter Ten

By Kirsten Page

Kid blazed a trail across the plains, with the hope of seeing some sign that a living soul had been through that area. It wasn't looking too bright though. For a fleeting moment he debated turning back to get help, but with as far as he'd come, there was no way he would. I've got to make it to Kansas City. Having only made that run a few times, he could only guesstimate as to the right direction. If only I hadn't gotten off of the stupid trail, I'd be fine!

Up ahead he noticed a small stream and decided that Katy could probably use a drink, and he would gladly stretch his legs. Taking her reins in his right hand, he lead his faithful horse towards the clear water. He let her loose and walked upstream surveying his surroundings.

As he took a step forward he felt his foot hook onto something and started to kick it away. Something told him to look down, and when he did, he was glad he had. "Lou!" Katy raised her head at his raised voice, but quickly turned back to her own 'interests.'

He lifted the small glove that was unmistakably Lou's. The boys had chipped in to buy them for her birthday a couple of weeks ago. He gripped it tighter. "At least we're on the right track." He directed towards his horse.

"Finally!" Stacy exclaimed as she saw the buildings in front of her. She estimated that they had been riding for 4 hours. But the clock on her rear end felt like it had been a lot longer than that.

Matt gave quick orders for them to stop. "You, get up here next to Stacy." He hollered to Jimmy, who did as instructed and moved forward. "Now," Matt continued. "You two ride in front, and look natural." He smiled wickedly. "I will have the pleasure of escorting your friend, Louise. Bobby here is going to stay behind and make sure we weren't followed."

Jimmy looked at Stacy who returned the glance and smiled weakly. He could see the dark circles under her eyes. "Hang in there Stacy, I'm seeing and end to this." He whispered to her. She noticed a tenderness in his expression that she hadn't seen before. It momentarily took her mind off of the situation at hand.

Matt obviously noticed the brief attraction. "Get moving!" He hollered.

Jimmy nodded his head giving the signal for Stacy to move slightly ahead of him. In a few moments they were on their way, heading for what they could only assume to be a large puddle of disaster.

It was rapidly becoming darker and darker as they approached the dirt filled streets of Kansas City. Most of the shops were now closed, save for the saloon which seemed to be bustling with every kind of riffraff imaginable. Unfortunately Stacy realized that they would probably have to enter that building because it was connected with the hotel. That is unless that Matt fellow was going to make them sleep in the street.

"Pull up nice and easy, right here in front." Matt said as he rode up to the hitching post outside of the saloon.

Lou looked at him disgusted. "You ain't actually going to make us go in there, are you?"

He smiled in reply. "Well, unless you want to sleep out here, I'd suggest you do as I say."

They all slid down, thankful for the chance to be off of the backs of their trusty horses. Stacy knew that the next step would be to have to find out what is was that these men wanted.

Before they entered the saloon, Matt started giving orders. "Now, when we get in there I don't want a sound from any of you! Got it, not a sound! I won't hesitate to shoot any of you in front of everyone." They all nodded and followed him in.

The noise was almost un-tollerable. Drunk cowboys were hollering out various tunes, mixed with whatever tune it was that they pianist was playing. This was certainly not the place that they wanted to be.

Matt approached the gentleman at the desk who was apparently running the hotel part of the operation. "May I help you?" He asked with a slight wrinkle of his nose.

Putting on his best performance yet, Matt looked at the man kindly. "Why yes sir, thank you, this is my wife Louise." He put his arm around her waist and pulled her close, causing her to grunt.

Immediately disgusted, Lou began, "I am not......" Lou felt a sharp stab of his elbow in her side and quickly stopped.

Matt turned to her and smiled. "I know my dear, you're not feeling feeling well. But a good night's rest aught to remedy that."

Lou let out a slight growl that was barely audible. Stacy was the only one to pick up on it and she stepped closer towards her friend. Matt saw her approaching and quickly added to his first statement. "And this is her friend and husband." He motioned towards Jimmy.

Stacy's eyes grew wide, almost as wide as her mouth, but she quickly closed it. "What......." She gasped, and was also cut off.

"Oh yes, what is the cost of a room?" Matt asked him sweetly.

"Two dollars."

"Great, we'll take two rooms then." Matt quickly laid down the money and extended his hand for the keys. The man handed them to him and he grabbed them swiftly. With a slight nod of thanks he pushed Lou up the stairs and looked back to make sure that the other two people with him were following.

Jimmy turned behind him to see Stacy dragging along. He knew what she was thinking, and he couldn't blame her one bit. This plot was doing nothing but becoming more and more sour by the moment. He tried to smile briefly and was surprised to be met by a pleasant expression in return. Jimmy hesitated a few moments to let her get ahead of him. I just hope we find what these men are looking for tomorrow. Stacy mumbled to herself. I am so ready to go home and find out why they killed my brother! It's time to get on with my life. I'm tired of running.

By Kid's calculation he couldn't be that much further from Kansas City. Finally after feeling lost for hours, he had found the trail with which he was somewhat familiar. The darkness of the night was setting in, making it much harder to see. He realized that if he couldn't find the town shorty, he was going to have to stop and make camp. I'm going to press on just a little bit further, I have to.

Before long, Kid had driven himself, and his horse, into pitch blackness. The stars were blocked by the threat of an approaching stormy-sky. He was very rapidly beginning to regret his decision to press further. Hardly able to see the trail, Kid had made Katy slow down to a canter. He decided it was time to stop, so he slowly and regretfully lifted himself from the saddle. As he hoisted himself up, there was an illumination that caught his attention; in the distance he could barely see what appeared to be the combination of several lanterns posted in a if lining a street. Hopes and curiosity caused him to follow it. There, in front of him was what he had hoped it would be........Kansas City!

On to Chapter Eleven

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