On Equal Terms

By Suzy
Copyright 1999

The young Indian stood with his back to another young man, both with their fists raised waiting for the first punch to be thrown. They were surrounded by a small mob, all eager to see the young Indian and his mute friend put in their 'place'. The Indian took his eyes from the two aggressive men in front of him momentarily to face his best friend.

'You don't have to do this you know' he spoke watching his friends reply.

I won't leave you his fingers signed as he warily watched the men.

'You don't need to stay for this' he spoke over his shoulder again.

Yes I do, I can't let you have all the fun he signed and smiled at his best friend.

Both boys were startled by a new and authoritative voice in the melee surrounding them.

'What's going on here Parker?' the new voice asked loudly.

'Nuthin Marshall, just teaching these boys here a lesson' the most outspoken of the hooligans answered.

'What lesson would that be now Parker?' the Marshall stood with both hands on his hips, his hat tipped back on his head.

'The Indian nearly knocked me down in the street and then he refused to apologise. We figure to teach him and his dummy friend a few manners Sam.' the crowd that had gathered to watch snickered at his comments.

'You lot all have somewhere else to be don't you?' he asked his voice a little louder as he cast his steely gaze across the milling crowd. The townsfolk already feeling guilty at being caught out by the Marshall, all suddenly found that there was someplace else they should be. Eyes downcast, they began to disperse and return to their normal routine. 'Not you Parker' the Marshall spoke forcefully as the bully began to back away, seeing an escape route opening.

The Marshall strode up to the man who liked to show people who was boss, whether he was right or wrong and grabbed him by the lapels. Frankly Sam was sick of him and his bully antics.

'Parker' he paused 'If I catch you trying to teach anyone manners again, I will lock you up until I have taught you some of my manners' he glared at Parker and waited until he had the good grace to look chagrined before he released him.

'Get out of my sight Parker. People like you make me sick.; he watched as Parker walked briskly away from the two boys.

'Are you boys alright?' Sam continued to watch Parker as he spoke. 'Thank you Marshall' Buck spoke for the both of them.

'You're new in town right' he looked closely at the boys for the first time. the one who had been doing all the talking was obviously at least half indian. Sam could tell that he wore his heritage as a large chip on his shoulder but he didn't seem to be the type to cause trouble. Sam decided then and there that he would try to set things right with the duo.

'We arrived this morning Marshall..'

'Marshall Sam Cain' he extended a hand for them to shake 'Please don't judge us all by Parker. He's an arrogant, opinionated SOB, but the town doesn't share his views' 'I'm Buck cross, this is Ike McSwain' Buck introduced himself and Ike as they shook the Marshalls hand.

'You wanna tell me your side of the story?' Sam asked as they walked towards the Marshall's office.

'Pretty much as he said, but her walked into me and then decided that I need an attitude adjustment.'

'Figured it was like that. Ignore him.' Sam shrugged 'Are you planning of being here long?' he asked.

'We need to find some work. I don't have a horse and neither does Ike, we need a horse to get to the next town so we could be here for a while. Why? Is there a problem?' he asked.

'No boys no problem at all glad to have you' Sam assured them as they walked in silence for several minutes. Sam tried to think of anywhere they could find work within their little township.

'Theres a new outfit opening up... the Pony Express. From what I have heard the pay is good. the fella that runs the outfit is a good man. Teaspoon Hunter, he's fair' they arrived outside the Marshall's office and Sam ripped a piece of paper of the notice board and handed it to Buck. He quickly scanned the flyer for the pony Express and handed it to Ike.

'Thanks for the help Marshall' Buck spoke as he extended a hand to Sam, feeling for the first time in a long time that he would be happy to become part of this town. 'Anytime boys...Good Luck with the job.'

Buck and Ike walked along the street towards the office that proudly displayed a sign in bold letters PONY EXPRESS. Wordlessly, the two boys looked at each other and pushed open the door. Seeing a clerk seated behind the desk in the corner of the room Buck strode forward and placed a hand on the counter in front of him.

'Excuse me sir, we're to sign on as a rider for the Pony Express' he spoke clearly The clerk looked him up and down and lifted a piece of paper from the desk in front of him.

"Are you an orphan son?' at Buck's blank expression he continued "Do you have any kin?' both boys shook their heads. 'Okay, I need you to read the words on that page for me.' he handed them the oath.

'Mister, Ike here is mute, he won't be able to read it to you.' 'Can you read son?' he asked and Ike nodded his head.

'Good enough for me, when you have read it you make your mark on the bottom.'

'I do hereby swear before the Great and Living God, that during my engagement, and whilst I am an employee of Russell, Majors and Waddell, that I will, under no circumstances, use profane language; that I will drink no intoxicating liquors, that I will not quarrel or fight with any other employee of the firm, and that in every respect I will conduct myself honestly, be faithful to my duties, and so direst my acts as to win the confidence of my employers. So help me God.' Buck read the oath out loud as Ike read his then both boys signed the piece of paper before handing it back to the office clerk.

The clerk handed both boys a bible and a small amount of money.

'Please report to Teaspoon Hunter at the Sweetwater Waystation just outside of town at dawn tomorrow morning for your first day of training. Good luck boys.' the man smiled at the boys as they collected their new belongings and turned from the office.

Standing outside on the small porch, Buck turned to Ike a serene smile on his face. 'I think we're going to fit in just nicely here Ike, we may have found home.' he stated realising that they had just found a place that was willing to employ them on their merits, on equal terms with any other applicant, and he knew they would both be happy there.

The End

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