Being from Sweden, I find a achallenge to write the stories in English, and I thought I'd start with an apologise in case anybody felt offended by some major (or minor) mistakes that might appear.
I got caught up in TYR as they showed the re-runs here in Sweden. I was suposed to write my final essay at the university, but I found there was so much more you could do than spend all your time in the books (watching shows on the TV for example). I finally managed to finish the essay, and to my great luck I got a job at The Royal Institute of Technology in Stockhoilm, a job which offered free Internet to their employers and even free space on a web-server. And I couldn't believe it but I actually found a web-page about TYR!! (Constance's page) - and within a couple of months there was a lot of them!!
So I mustered up some courage and did a first attempt on writing fan fic. It was a short story submitted to Kathy's Writing Contest. The response surred me and I started on The name of The Game (title borrowed from an ABBA. song, what else) and to be sure I could remove it at any time should it be a complete disater, I had to make a page to put it up on!! Of course this had to happen about the same time I was offered a new job (with a better pay, but with no Internet connection at the office). So there I was. Shut out from the "net" for four months. But with a newly purchased computer and an Internet connection at home the pages was soon up again.
So now, the stories are growing in numbers. And to my intense joy I've got two more authors added to my Reading Room.