St. Louis

By Lyn
Copyright 1999

Chapter Four


The three men paused inside the entrance to the restaurant, looking over the room before them. Buck was tempted to turn back at seeing all the finely dressed men and women seated at the tables. Many of them looked up at their entrance, some leaning over to whisper amongst themselves, or averting their eyes. Teaspoon began walking toward the table where Alexander Majors motioned for them. Buck drew his shoulders back slightly, standing that little bit taller, and followed.

There were two men already at the table. They both stood and Majors made the introductions.

"Gentlemen, this is one of my partners, William Russell. William, this is Mr. Teaspoon Hunter, stationmaster at Sweetwater. And two of his riders, Mr. Ike McSwain and Mr. Buck Cross. Please, have a seat."

The three men from Sweetwater shook Russell's hand, then pulled out chairs. Buck was watching the other patrons, as well as those at his table, to see how they all behaved. He didn't want to draw attention to himself by doing something wrong. Teaspoon was right. There was more silverware on the table than he had ever seen at one time, plus numerous glasses and plates. This was going to be a long evening trying to figure all this out and keep it all straight.

"I'm so glad you could make it. I've heard great things about the men at the Sweetwater Station." Russell said. "I think we made a good choice asking you to come here for our little demonstration."

"Thank you Mr. Russell. I have to admit, I think my boys are the best riders you've got. But then I might just be a little biased."

Russell and Majors both chuckled. "Well from what we hear, you might just be right." Majors said.

A waiter came over, a bottle of wine in hand, which he presented to Majors for approval. He then uncorked it and poured a glass for the three older men. When he came around the table to Ike and Buck, Ike placed his hand over his glass, shaking his head no, while Buck said a polite no thank you.

"This is a special occasion gentlemen. We are more than willing to overlook our no alcohol rule for tonight. One glass won't cause a problem. Besides, I'd like to make a toast." The waiter went ahead and poured as Majors lifted his glass. Since the others at the table did the same, Buck and Ike followed suit.

"To the Pony Express and a successful business venture." Majors said, lifting his glass a little higher in salute. "Cheers."

Buck and Ike watched the others and took sips from their own glasses. Buck wasn't sure he cared for the fruity taste, and the slight burning feeling he felt in his throat.

"I hope you gentlemen don't mind, but I took the liberty of ordering for the table. They are preparing something special for us tonight, a recipe I've had here before and found to be excellent."

"I'm sure it will be fine, Mr. Russell." Teaspoon replied. He seemed to be enjoying his surroundings, looking far more comfortable than the boys would believe to be true. A waiter came around again, bringing bowls of soup. As he placed them on top of plates in front of each man, Russell and Majors pulled their napkins off the table, laying them in their laps and picking up a large spoon from their place setting. Majors was in tune with the inexperience of at least the two young men and was going to make his actions visible to them, understanding their predicament. He also intended to draw them into the dinner conversation.

"So Mr. McSwain, where are you from originally?" he asked.

Ike looked a little panicked for a moment, not expecting to be asked any questions.

"Ike can't talk, sir." Buck explained as he had many times before.

"I'm sorry." Majors said, looking a little embarrassed. "Then how do you communicate? Would you like paper and pen?"

Ike's fingers began to move. Buck watched him carefully to catch everything he said and translate for the others. Teaspoon was still learning sign and didn't understand most of what Ike said.

"He speaks through Indian sign language. He says he grew up on a farm in central Missouri until his family died. Then he went to a mission school near St. Joe."

"And what about you Mr. Cross? You're half blood, correct?"

"Yes sir. Half Kiowa."

"Were you raised among the Kiowa?"

"Yes. Until I was thirteen."

"Where did you go then?"

"I ended up at the same mission school as Ike. That's where he and I met. We've been friends ever since."

The two men kept up a conversation through the numerous courses served that night. A salad came next, followed by a fish dish with some sort of sauce Buck couldn't identify. It was very rich, but tasty. Next came tiny little potatoes with thinly sliced beef and a green vegetable covered in melted butter that he later learned was called asparagus. With each course came a different wine. Buck took only a sip or two of each, his head swimming slightly even with that little bit.

Thankfully, when dessert was served, it came with a strong, black coffee. Both he and Ike had begun to relax, whether it be from the wine or from Majors and Russell's comfortable attitude. When Majors ordered after dinner brandy for the table, Buck had to decline.

"Coffee is fine for me, thank you."

"You're sure? Very well, coffee it is." Majors also offered cigars to all. Teaspoon and Russell accepted. Then the conversation turned to business.

"So, when is this demonstration?" Teaspoon asked.

"Day after tomorrow."

"And what exactly would you like my boys to do?"

"We thought we'd recreate a short run. Show our potential investors how the whole thing works. Probably deliver notes from here to a small town about twenty miles away. I also understand your boys are excellent riders and might be able to show some of their training. We're very open in that area to any suggestions or help you might be able to give."

"Well, my boys have a few tricks up their sleeves. I'm sure we could come up with something."

"Then we'll leave that in your hands. Now tomorrow we have a carriage rented to show you around town. If you'd like, that is."

"That sounds very nice. What do you say boys?" They both nodded. Buck was feeling drowsy and he could tell Ike was too. Neither of them was used to the effect of wine.

"Your meals will be provided for you. All you need to do is sign a ticket here in the restaurant and put your room number on it. We've also arranged for a lunch for you on your tour tomorrow. The carriage driver will know what to do. Then we'd really appreciate it if you'd join us for supper again tomorrow night. A couple of our potential investors will be here. This sounds terrible, but we'd like to show you off a bit."

"I understand. We'll be happy to do what we can."

"Well then, we hope you enjoy your stay in St. Louis. Shall we adjourn to the bar? Or would you prefer to do something else?"

Teaspoon looked at the boys. Ike signed something, which Buck translated.

"Ike says he wouldn't mind taking a walk and getting some air. I'd like to join him, if you don't mind, then head to bed."

"Of course. Whatever you'd like. How about you Mr. Hunter?"

"Well, I'll join you for one."

"Very good. In that case, good evening young gentlemen. Mr. Hunter, shall we?"

They all stood, walking into the lobby. Ike and Buck thanked their hosts for dinner, then stepped outside as the others went to the bar for more brandy and cigars. The fresh air helped clear Buck's head. They walked along the boardwalks for a bout a mile, before returning to the hotel, the exercise helping to clear away the fog from the wine. When they entered their room, they were surprised to se the beds turned back, waiting for them. They were both asleep in moments.


Chapter Five

When the three came down for breakfast the next morning, the desk clerk handed Teaspoon a message from Majors, and told him that the carriage was ready and waiting for them whenever they had finished eating. Teaspoon read the note after they had been seated.

What's it say? Ike signed.

"Well, it appears that we will have a tour guide for the day, Mr. Russell's niece, a Miss Anna Russell. The carriage driver has instructions as to where to pick the young lady up." Ike and Buck just nodded not sure what to make of this turn of events, but willing to make the best of it. After all, a day of being escorted by a young, single lady couldn't be all that bad.

They finished their meal and stepped outside into the bright sunshine. Buck felt somewhat naked, Teaspoon having suggested that they leave their guns and his knife in the room. They weren't sure where they would be going and Teaspoon felt that their guns might not be welcome. But it made Buck uncomfortable, being in a new, unknown town without a defense.

The driver was standing by the carriage waiting for them. When they had climbed aboard, the man made his way to the driver's seat and started the carriage moving. He drove them through a residential area, large manses lining both sides of the street. They had traveled perhaps a mile before they turned onto a bricked, curving road that lead up to a large, four-story house.

It was brick and whitewashed wood, with pillars along the front. The lawn was perfectly manicured, with sculpted bushes lining the road and scattered across the lawn. The double doors were a dark wood and had solid brass fittings. Heavy curtains were at each window. Buck could do little more than stare, his eyes traveling upward to take in all stories.

They sat for a moment in the carriage, looking at each other.

"Well, I reckon I'll go knock." Teaspoon said, rising from the carriage seat. The boys climbed out, also, too restless to sit while they waited. Teaspoon approached the doors, lifting a brass knocker and letting it drop. Ike and Buck leaned against the carriage, still looking at their surroundings as the doors opened. A black man in a dark suit stood there.

"May I help you, sir?"

"My name is Teaspoon Hunter. Miss Anna Russell is expecting us."

"Mr. Hunter! I'm sorry I wasn't ready when you arrived. Please forgive me." A strong, yet feminine voice came from behind the man and a young woman appeared in the doorway. She stood about five foot six inches with long dark blond hair styled in ringlets down the back of her head. She wore a fashionable dress of dark blue, with a matching hat perched on top of her head. White gloves covered her hands.

"Quite all right Miss Russell." Teaspoon said, tipping his hat. The young lady placed her hand on his arm and let him escort her to the carriage. Both of the boys stood up straight, removing hats, taken back by the young lady before them. Teaspoon helped her into the carriage after introductions were made, then followed her, taking the seat next to her. The two riders sat opposite. And the carriage started up.

"I hope you gentlemen don't mind, but I have the morning planned. I thought we'd go to the museum first, then go to my fiancé's bank. It's the largest bank in Missouri. Then we can catch some lunch at this wonderful little restaurant I know. This afternoon we can take a ride along the Mississippi River and watch the paddleboats or visit the theatre. They have a nice little show and there's a matinee today. If this all right with you that is. We can always change plans."

"That sounds fine, Miss Russell. Doesn't it boys?"

"Sure." Buck said as Ike nodded.

They watched the town as they rode by, Anna pointing out this sight and that. She also asked questions, and truly listened to the answers. She seemed fascinated by the life they led out in the 'wild country' as she called it.

The little group spent several hours at the museum. Anna turned out to be a very knowledgeable tour guide, giving them histories of some of the various artists on display. There were some pieces on display by a painter named Bodner that had done studies of Lewis and Clark's travels, and had painted numerous famous Indians.

From the museum, they went to the bank Anna had mentioned that her fiancé ran. She introduced him as James Mitchell.

"I thought perhaps you could take them on a tour and then maybe join us for lunch?" she said demurely.

"I'll be happy to take you on a tour, but I'm afraid I won't be able to join you for lunch. I have a business meeting in an hour."

"Oh darn!" she said pouting just a little, then smiling to show she understood. He smiled back, the two sharing their little game. Then he was back to business.

"Why don't we start this way?" He led them through several hallways, showing them offices and counting rooms, then the vault area where the money was kept. They ended up at his office, which sat apart from the others, down a separate hall with one other and closer to the vault. They sat there and talked for a few moments, Teaspoon asking questions, then they rose to leave so Mitchell could attend his meeting.

Teaspoon stopped them before they exited the room.

"Listen." He said quietly. The boys heard the sounds too, but it took Mitchell and Anna a few moments to realize what was happening.

"We're being robbed!" Mitchell said unbelievingly, then started to move down the hall. Teaspoon stopped him.

"Do you have a gun?"


"Well, all right. Buck, do you think you can make it down that hall real quiet like and find out what's going on?" Buck nodded and began making his way down the hall. He was back moments later.

"Six men. Two by the door, two by the windows, one behind the counter with the clerks and one by the hall near the vault. The others can't see that one clearly."

"Can you get to him without him seeing you?"

"I think so."

"Okay, do it. Get his gun." Buck slipped out of the room again taking a turn in the hall that would lead to the vault. "Will that window open quietly?"

"It makes a little noise, but not bad. Why?" Mitchell asked.

"If you can do it quietly get it open and help Anna out of it. Get her outside and someplace safe. Stay away from the front of the building so they can't see you. Then see if you can find the Sheriff and get some help over here. It's just a matter of time before they start looking back here, so get moving." Teaspoon turned to Ike.

"When Buck gets back here I want you to take the gun and take a position near the vault. It looks like you might be able to hide in that little room off to the side they use for guests. They'll head to the vault soon enough. Maybe you can get them. Do it quietly if you can, use the gun if you need to. Hopefully by then we can get a couple more disarmed." Teaspoon looked over his shoulder as a scraping sound came from the window.

Mitchell turned back to them. "It's too noisy." He whispered as Buck slipped back into the room, a gun in hand. "How'd you get that?"

"You don't want to know." Buck replied.

"You hid him didn't you?" Teaspoon asked. Buck nodded, then headed back down the hall to watch what was happening in the bank lobby. "Okay, go Ike. Mitchell? If we can't get her out of here, then we need to hide her. Any ideas?"

"There's a false wall in the next office."

"Take her there. Now go." Teaspoon left the room also, joining Buck near the end of the hall. "I'm going to create a little noise to try and bring a couple of them down this way. You hide in that side hall and try to come up behind them." He whispered, then slipped back down to Mitchell's office. After he had given Buck time to blend into the shadows of the side hall, he took a glass sitting on a small table and dropped it. He hoped the sound would bring one or two of the men down the hall to investigate. He moved behind the door.

It worked. Minutes later he heard two men approach. As one entered the room cautiously, Teaspoon brought a heavy brass candlestick down on his arm, then grabbed for the man and began to struggle with him. The second man was entering the room with his gun drawn, but Teaspoon saw him suddenly move back out of the door, then heard him quietly slump to the floor. Then the man he was struggling with suddenly collapsed.

"Thanks Buck. That's three down. Let's go see what we can do about the others." They moved back down the hallway. Maneuvering in the shadows, they got a look once again out into the lobby. There were three men left, one at the door, one with his gun pointed at the lobby's occupants, who were now all lying on the floor, and the third heading back to the vault area. Hopefully Ike could handle him.

"Well, maybe the best move is a direct one. What say we go on out there?" Teaspoon stepped out into the lobby, his confiscated gun pointing at the man guarding the tellers and patrons. Buck stepped out with him, aiming at the man by the door. They both realized that there might be a man or two outside.

"Now gentlemen, why don't we say that this party is over." Teaspoon said loudly. "Drop your guns!"

Both robbers raised their guns and aimed at Teaspoon and Buck. The two from the Pony Express reacted quicker, dropping the robbers before their guns went off. There was the sound of another gun from the vault area and as Teaspoon turned that way, Buck fired at the man that came rushing through the front door with gun drawn. He shot him in the shoulder, causing the man to drop his gun. Both of them were relieved to see Ike appear in the doorway leading to the vault a moment later.

"It's all right folks. It's all over." Teaspoon said, helping a lady up off the floor as Buck went back to retrieve Mitchell and Anna. Ike carefully checked the robbers, making sure they were disarmed if they were alive. They both looked up as three men burst through the door, metal badges on their chests. Their guns were up, looking for targets.

"Easy boys. My name is Teaspoon Hunter. I'm with the Pony Express. You'll find your bank robbers on the floor here and in the office back that way. One of my men is back there with one of the bank officers and a young lady. I'd appreciate it if you didn't shoot him."

On to Chapter Six


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