Although her fiery personality, magnetic charm, and close friendship to Louise McCloud seem to be one of her most enjoyed traits, there is much more to Stacy than meets the reader!
Having been born in 1843 on a small ranch in the Nebraska Territory, this 17-year-old young woman found her way in the world after being raised by an orphanage in St. Joseph, Missouri, shortly after the massacre of her parents. Five years after the tragic event, Stacy was forced to leave the shelter of the orphanage at the age of 13 and start a new life for herself. The overpowering bond between she and Louise helped to make her worst growing years more pleasant and tolerable until their sad departure in 1856.
While doing her best in the struggle for survival, Stacy found her fair share of trouble and trial. Her gorgeous features and timid smile were often times the attracting force of several "suitors" that offered to take care of her. She always expected more to her life and had set such high standards for herself that she refused each of them, and worked at various jobs to save the money she would need to make a decent life. Stacy often times dreamed of going on to school to study medicine, or perhaps teach at one of the famous ladies colleges.
However, dreams don't always come true and she ended up on the run for several years of her life until the death and murder of her brother had been resolved. From there, she felt her heart lost to James Hickok, and what the readers feel happened between them from that point on is entirely up to their imaginations and dreams. And, is always subject to change on my part as well...