DISCLAIMER: The Young Riders is the creation of Ed Spielman, and the property of Ogiens/Kane productions in association with MGM/UA television. This Story is created for entertainment purposes only, no infringement intended. Not to be copied without permission from the author.
Kid and Rachel walked out of the barn in time to see Cody spinning Lou around in the air both laughing madly. Cody placed Lou on the ground and lifted Theresia high into his arms for a similar greeting as Jimmy hugged Lou warmly and kissed her on the cheek. His eyes met Kid's across the short distance that separated them and seeing the concern in Jimmy's eyes he knew that something was wrong. He opened his mouth to ask the question, but Jimmy shook his head indicating that he didn't want to talk about it there. Nodding in response Kid walked up and shook hands with his friend drawing him into a tight bearhug.
Despite the fact that they had fought so bitterly when Noah was killed, they shared a bond that nothing could tear apart, and whilst they would probably share the same easy camaraderie they once had, they remained close. By unspoken agreement they never mentioned the things which had come between them and notwithstanding the fact that both men remained passionate in their beliefs they maintained their close relationship. In the beginning it was hard, it seemed that the only thing that drew them together was their mutual love of Lou, but they had worked themselves out and either one would lay his life on the line for the other if needed.
'Where's my favourite niece?' Jimmy asked Lou as he released her.
'Sleeping, she's having a nap with Grandpa Teaspoon.' Lou smiled as she spoke the name that Teaspoon used with baby Emma.
'How about you go and bring her out to see Uncle Jimmy?' he asked.
'Theresia, can you go and find Uncle Buck for me please.' Lou asked her baby sister.
'If you go and get Emma and Rachel wakes Teaspoon, I'll help to cool the horses.' Kid spoke casually, eager to get the boys alone to find out what the problem was.
'Don't be long.' she kissed him wetly and lifting. her skirts a little ran across to the porch stairs.
'I'll be damned,' Cody muttered as he shook his head watching Lou run. He thought that married life and even the birth of her tiny daughter would tame Lou, but she was still as full of beans as ever and uncaring of the feminine stereotypes people always expected her to conform to.
The men walked the horses into the barn chatting amiably, when they reached the relative seclusion inside, Kid turned to face his friends his eyes full of worry.
'Okay talk to me. What gives?' he looked into the equally worried faces of his friends.
'We thought that you might need some help, so we decided that we'd tell you in person.' Cody started.
'Collins was broken out of jail a week ago.' Jimmy finished for him.
'And.' Kid spoke not overly concerned.
'His boss, has vowed that you will pay him back the money you owe them.' Cody finished.
'I don't owe him anything.' Kid stated with a frown suddenly realising where this was heading.
Almost one year ago Kid had captured a man who was a member of a gang of bank robbers. He had been suspicious of this man for some time and while shadowing him, he caught him redhanded with $10,000 worth of gold bullion, stored in a cave just outside of town. Kid being the honest honourable man he was had turned in the man and the gold, asking that the reward be given to the orphanage the Jeremiah and Theresia had just left. At the time the man, Collins, a sly man small in stature but big in ego, had repeatedly told Kid that he wouldn't be safe anywhere in the territory when his boss returned to the country, but Kid had dismissed his threats as the delusional ramblings of a man who man who thought that he would soon be wearing a rope necktie and hadn't thought of them again until now.
'What are you going to do?' Jimmy asked as he watched Kid closely, seeing his emotions changing as he remembered the threats that Collins had made.
'Not a lot I can do, except wait until they make their move.' Kid spoke as he walked further into the barn away from his friends. 'Damn,' he cursed as he turned his hands on his hips.
'We've done a bit of poking around, nobody has ever seen the boss, so the only face we have to go on is Collins, I don't think they'll be stupid enough to send him into town.' Cody spoke.
'We ran into Emma and Sam on the way here, they're on their way to see if they can help out,' Cody continued but seeing Kid's preoccupation with his thoughts he spoke softly. 'We'll go over to the house Kid, give you some time to think.'
'I don't want Lou or Rachel told about this.' he stated turning on the boys as they started to walk outside.
'What about Teaspoon?' Cody asked.
'It's probably better that he doesn't know' Jimmy spoke, they were all aware of Teaspoon's fragile health. When he left to go and fight for his beloved South in the War of the States sure he had been older, but he was fit and healthy. Soon after his enlistment he had been shot, his leg had been shattered and now he was forced to wear a brace on his leg to walk, but it seemed that his good health had been sapped from him at the same time. Twice since he had returned he had heart scares. Serious enough for the rest of the Pony express family to drop everything and rush to Blue Creek, praying that they didn't get there too late to say goodbye to the man who had become a father to them all.
'Jimmy can I talk to you for a minute?' Kid asked softly as they left the barn.
'Sure,' he answered turning back to the barn.
'I'll go and try and keep Lou appeased, don't be too long, I don't know how long I can keep her busy.' Cody laughed as Jimmy walked back to Kid's side.
'Jimmy, I know what I'm about to say is a lot to ask of you, but you're the only person I could imagine asking this of,' Kid started to explain.
'Spit it out Kid' he asked with a faint smile at Kid's return to his bumbling youthful speech
'If anything should happen to me, look
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